drinking laws in the US of A

VisionsOfFire Members Posts: 223
edited April 2011 in The Social Lounge
I'm from England where the legal drinking age is 18 meaning I can purchase alcohol from a shop or drink in a bar with no problem (i'm 19)..I plan on heading out to Boston for a month or so early March and was wondering how serious folks are about checking for ID before you can get a bottle from a corner store or go to the bar? Is it universally strict or are some places more leniant than others??


    KTULU IS BACK Banned Users Posts: 6,617 ✭✭
    edited January 2011
    the stores will card you

    99% of bars will card you

    but it is very easy to get a fake ID or use somebody else's
  • VisionsOfFire
    VisionsOfFire Members Posts: 223
    edited January 2011
    looks like fake ID might be the only way to ensure i can get my friday night fix..not so worried about stores I can send my friend in there
    KTULU IS BACK Banned Users Posts: 6,617 ✭✭
    edited January 2011
    you dont want a literal fake id tho, you should just borrow one
  • paul parker
    paul parker Members Posts: 1
    edited January 2011
    The United States has the highest drinking age of all other countries in the world. Most countries allow people to drink at a much younger age than they do in the United States.

    In Germany, the legal drinking age is 16 for beer and 18 for liquor, although these are not always strictly enforced.
  • konceptjones
    konceptjones Guests, Members, Writer, Content Producer Posts: 13,139 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2011
    in many states, you can drink as long as you're inside a house in the presence of adults of legal age. Gotta look up exactly where you can do this tho.
  • shootemwon
    shootemwon Members Posts: 4,635 ✭✭
    edited January 2011
    in many states, you can drink as long as you're inside a house in the presence of adults of legal age. Gotta look up exactly where you can do this tho.

    this is not true, but if as long as you're inside not causing trouble you wouldn't get caught anyway
  • jhon12
    jhon12 Members Posts: 1
    edited April 2011
    The United States has its fair share of weird laws (what is up with having to pay taxes?), but there are few laws that achieve the level of oddness that certain American drinking laws attain. Underage folks may find the "21 and over" rule to be weird. People wanting to buy beer seven days a week may find the fact that liquor stores are closed on Sundays in many states to be strange.

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