who is really the RICHEST person or family in the world?

zoepian Members Posts: 991
edited April 2011 in The Social Lounge

Top 10 Richest Men in the World

1. Carlo Slim Helu – Mexico $53.5 billion, up $18.5 billion in 12 months. Shares of America Movil (oil)
2. Bill Gates – US – $53 billion who had held the title of world’s richest 14 of the past 15 years. (Microsoft)
3. Warren Buffett – US – $47billion ( Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffet) Warren Buffet invested wisely in Goldman Sachs during the worst parts of 2008
4. Mukesh Ambani – India – $29.0
5. Lakshmi Mittal – India – $28.7
6. Lawrence Ellison – United States – $28.0
7. Bernard Arnault – France – $27.5
8. Eike Batista – Brazil – $27.0
9. Amancio Ortega – Spain – $27.4
10. Karl Albrecht – Germany – $23.5
According to Forbes, these are the richest 10 men in 2010 and they have a combined Total Networth of $344.1 Billion Dollars.

Imagine if everything you know is a lie. Imagine if the richest family on Earth have a combined Total Networth of $500 Trillion!

Rothschild’s Wealth = $500 Trillion
$1 Million = $1,000,000
$1 Billion = $1,000,000,000
$1 Trillion = $1,000,000,000,000
Imagine if you are a slave of a hidden power. This power has been in control of the world of centuries. The name of this power is ROTHSCHILD.

Famous Quotes about ROTHSCHILD
“If my sons did not want wars.. There would be none.” Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amshcel Rothschild
“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” – Rothschild
“Rothschild is the Lord and Master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually Lord and Master of everything else.” – Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister
“Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status.” – Nathan Mayer Rothschild
“Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce” – President Taft

More Interesting Facts about The Rothschilds
The Rothschilds have caused every war since 1800.
The Rothschilds control half the wealth of the world, $500 Trillion Dollars!
The Rothschild establish the “FED” in 1913 and have controlling interest. They rule by proxy and virtually control the entire planet through their money power. Their central banks control the money supply of many countries, including the United States.

Now, the question I have for you is this,

Does it make sense if you are not a Millionaire?
A Millionaire suddenly looks poor when compared to the Rothschild, isn’t it?