So Bin Laden is Dead...what happens next?

toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
edited May 2011 in The Social Lounge
Another distraction is out of the way, how will the powers that be keep the world interested in conflicts and wars….
“The Pentagon is a “company” with “investors”. They create situations in order to profit for their investors whether you call them corporations, illuminati, the vatican or satan himself it doesn’t matter. What matters is the American people are waking up to the lies and deceptions. Exploding a nuke in a city will only delay our involvement with ending the fed and big brother. Blogs and internet media alternatives are growing and the powers that be know this.
What the powers to be need to do is get on with the alien card. We always need a boogeyman to keep the money flowing and the wealth to be redistributed. 100 years ago, it started with the Nazis & Japanese. Then it warped into the commies and then to the terrorists. The next natural phase would be to introduce an alien race to fight when the Americans don’t buy into the terrorist card anymore.
Werner Von Braun (project paperclip – do some research on him), on his deathbed, told his assistant that in order to keep the war efforts going (redistribution of wealth), the next trump card would be “aliens”. Google Project Blue Beam and do some research. This would be the next deception prison we will be trapped in for hundreds of years because the powers that be have been making anti-gravity ships for 50 years now without the public knowing. They will use light shows and holograms from satellites including their own real anti-gravity machines (UFOs) to keep this real looking.”
