Planetside 2 in works

John_Blazini Members Posts: 14,837 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 2011 in IllGaming
Planetside 2 Gameplay

The core idea for Planetside 2 is the same as the original -- first-person action on a huge scale, and objective-based combat. Smedley emphasized that there could (and would) be literally thousands of players shooting at each other, all vying for territory. Territory is going to be the primary motivating factor in Planetside 2, with the world's continents, divided into chunks, all available for capture. To do so, you need to align yourself with one of three factions -- the Terran Republic, a militaristic society; the New Conglomerate, who are sort of like the Rebel Alliance and are fighting against the Terran Republic; and the Vanu Sovereignty, who are betting on ancient alien technology to lead them to victory.

If a faction holds a territory, everyone in that faction is regularly rewarded with resources which can be spent on weapon upgrades and other good stuff. If you were personally a part of the squad (or group) that captured the territory, you're rewarded bonus resources.

Resources aren't your only motivating factor, though. Missions, which are automatically generated and assigned to you, give you some sense of direction. Some missions will require that you capture a tower, or take down some turrets, or attack a territory, and they're designed to keep the tug-of-war for land from becoming a stalemate. According to the developer, leaders of Outfits (Planetside's equivalent of guilds) can even assign missions to members, which should make directing your friends and allies towards a common goal both easy and rewarding.

Your role on the battlefield will be up to you. Planetside uses a class system with a lot of flexibility and customization options. The plan is to implement an EVE Online-style offline skill system, where the skills you select to train do so in the background, whether you're online or not. Playing will have some influence over the speed at which the skill trains, however, so it'll still be beneficial to log on and lay waste to some New Conglomerate settlements. Some of the classes cited as being included were the Medic, the Heavy Assault and the Light Assault.

There are separate skill tress for your class, your weapons, vehicles (of which there are at least 20, spanning both land and sky) and perhaps even implants. Although there will be a lot of vehicles from the get-go, some will be faction-specific. Maintaining a visual identity for each faction is important for the developer.

planetside-2-20110707061204873-000.jpgTake that, crate!

While there's no instancing at the moment, it hasn't been ruled out and may be implemented for more organized scenarios -- stuff like arenas or battlegrounds. On the drawing board is also a player-versus-environment component, though at launch Planetside 2 will be strictly PvP-only.

Interestingly, the team plans to lay bare their three-year-plan for the title very soon, completely outlining what is coming and when, and letting the community give feedback well before much is implemented. This ought to let the development team tweak content early and streamline the most important stuff.

According to Smedley, Planetside 2 will be "more of an FPS than a traditional MMO." The trend lately seems to be to shift away from the traditional target-? -loot MMO combat, and towards the faster styles of hack-n-slash and shooter games. It seems like a positive change, but making that style of game work in massively-multiplayer settings can always be a challenge.

When asked whether Planetside 2 would be PC only or if it would make it to the PS3 (where it could be very well suited), Smedley and Higby told me to "stay tuned." That's far less than an outright denial, but it's also no confirmation. Planetside 2 for the PS3 could well be in the works, but for now it seems we'll have to do as they say.
