this dude is 38 talking about a female isn't from the street unless she sells pu$$y

Real Lady
Real Lady Banned Users Posts: 1,878 ✭✭
edited August 2011 in For The Grown & Sexy
on the real. I met this dude, who offererd me all types of ? , but he was trying to get me to sell him some ? .

I turned down this offer.

Now, this is his mentality. That if I was from the streets, and I really been broke, I would do anything for money or to get on top. So he said if I never sold ? , then I never really been in a real GHETTO situation. He says real street ? sell ? . & then he run this little line on me: that he can tell I am not really street because if so, I would sell ? .

I'm like WTF? This dude needs to step his ? game up. Do he think I am 12? I can't believe this ? think that ? at his age.. I hope he's playing games, and just trying to run a line on me....Because if this is his real STREET MENTALITY. He's light YEARS BEHIND HIS PEERS...

what u think?
