Aura Camera's captures a person's Aura and is an alternative method to improve health

toomy Members Posts: 369
edited September 2011 in The Social Lounge
Didn't even know these things existed. Learned about it the first time last night after reading a book about a man that claimed he was abducted by aliens.

Apparently everybody has an Aura around their bodies and once you know what color your aura is you can somehow improve your health by surrounding yourself with that color. How it works I have no idea but according to the book I read last night all colors have vibrations just like other objects.

Aura cameras first developed in russia captures your aura.


As you know Jesus has always been depicted with an aura around him.

The image above is from a church in Rome, dates from AD530.

An AURA is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body as well as all living things. The colors and patterns within this energy field constitute a blueprint (the results of the energy we radiate from our feelings, thoughts, and physical being). Until recently, Aura's were only seen by the special few who had a gift to see the rainbow of colors.
The first aura photo was taken by Nicola Tesla in 1891. The USSR expanded on his work through the development of Kirlian photography, and by 1975 UCLA researchers (Thelma Mose and Valerie Hunt ) were measuring the Aura with precise accuracy.
Guy Coggins took this work a gigantic step forward by combining his research on Kirlian photography with the research on biofeedback to produce a very usable camera called Guy Coggins Aura Camera 6000.

What is Aura Photography?
Aura photography is a visual image of how we are functioning.
The technological process is complicated. The hand-shaped plates are sophisticated sensors. They measure your electromagnetic field, based on the Ayurvedic (acupressure points on the hand) system of meridians. The camera codes the energy readings into frequencies (which correspond to certain colors) and process the photograph, a computer sorts the information and prints the Aura Photograph.
These measurements are expressed as vibrational levels which a computer chip turns into their relevant colors. A data cable from the sensor takes the information to the camera which takes a double exposure (your image plus superimposing of colors collected from the sensors). This amazing photograph of all the collected data superimposed on the image is the Aura photo.
Through the use of this remarkable technology, we gain a deeper insight into our emotional - mental states, heal and spiritual well-being. Thus we are now able to give a more accurate reading of the Aura based on the colors that are photographed.
The color interpretations are universal in meaning. The reader takes the photo and interprets the particles of colors based upon their placement on the photo.
The magnetic energy of the planet controls the flow of energy by which we all live. Above the equator to the north, all energy circulates from right to left. South of the equator, the energy circulates from left to right. If you live in the northern hemisphere you receive energy from the left as it passes through us in a clock like flow then leave's our aura to the right.
This Camera produces a mirror image of your aura. The Future is seen to the (photo) right, the Present is above the body, and the Past is on the left. Most of the cycles of our goals and desires shift every six months.

The aura photo aids in self-awareness. Sometimes we all lose track of who we really are!

This is my aura...
As you can see, an aura has several layers. Mine:
• 1st layer is INDIGO (intuitive, leadership capabilities)
• 2nd layer is MAGENTA (non-conformists, innovated, strong-willed)
• 3rd layer is BLUE (communication, loyalty, honest)


  • The Lonious Monk
    The Lonious Monk Members Posts: 26,258 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    I wouldn't doubt that there is some type of field around people. After all, humans do have electrical impulses constantly traveling through out our bodies. That said, the way this photography is suspect. First of all, it doesn't actually capture an image of the so-called aura. The aura that is seen in that picture is something that computer created and then placed on the picture. Now that in itself isn't exactly out of line. After all, most pictures you see of objects in space have a similar treatment. The difference is that for objects in space, the sensors take actual readings from the objects as they are, assign colors to match those readings and then fill in the image. So nothing is really being added, the image is just being modified to match what we perceive as "seeing" something. With these aura photos, it seems like they take readings from you hand to get an energy signature, then using that energy signature, they superimpose the aura on the image. The problem with that is that at no point does the sensor actually pick up any reading of the aura emanating from the body. It measures readings made when contacting the hand, and then just fills in a make believe set of colors around the person's head. It's kinda silly really.

    There is a device called a bioelectric field imager, and tests are presently being run to see what information such images can give about open wounds and melanoma.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    I wouldn't doubt that there is some type of field around people. After all, humans do have electrical impulses constantly traveling through out our bodies. That said, the way this photography is suspect. First of all, it doesn't actually capture an image of the so-called aura. The aura that is seen in that picture is something that computer created and then placed on the picture. Now that in itself isn't exactly out of line. After all, most pictures you see of objects in space have a similar treatment. The difference is that for objects in space, the sensors take actual readings from the objects as they are, assign colors to match those readings and then fill in the image. So nothing is really being added, the image is just being modified to match what we perceive as "seeing" something. With these aura photos, it seems like they take readings from you hand to get an energy signature, then using that energy signature, they superimpose the aura on the image. The problem with that is that at no point does the sensor actually pick up any reading of the aura emanating from the body. It measures readings made when contacting the hand, and then just fills in a make believe set of colors around the person's head. It's kinda silly really.

    There is a device called a bioelectric field imager, and tests are presently being run to see what information such images can give about open wounds and melanoma.

    Are you saying colors do not vibrate? What makes the sky blue, the grass green and the sun yellow...etc...
  • And Step
    And Step Members Posts: 3,726 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    My cousin has an aura. He just ate a chicken burrito.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    There's even a therapy program based on a person's aura.

    Reiki Home Study Program

    Permanent Attunement and Certification as a Reiki Master

    Course Description | History of Reiki | Enroll Now

    Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4

    The basis of Reiki ("ray-key") is the accumulation and direction of "life force energy" (chi or ki). The existence of this kind of energy has been verified by scientists, and medical doctors are just beginning to understand the role it plays in the functioning of the immune system and the healing process. Ki can be thought of as the nonphysical energy that animates all living things. As long as something is alive, it has life force circulating through it and surrounding it; when it dies, the life force departs. If the life force is low or restricted, the person will be more vulnerable to illness. When it is high and flowing freely, the person will be less likely to get sick. Life force not only animates the body but is the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts, and spiritual life. Ki is used by martial artists in their physical training and mental development. It is used in meditative breathing exercises (pranayama), and by the shamans of all cultures for divination, psychic awareness, manifestation and healing. Ki is present all around us and can be accumulated and guided by the mind.

    Reiki is a technique for ? relaxation that allows practitioners to tap into a universal or unlimited supply of life force to improve health and enhance the quality of life. The word rei means "universal" and ki means "life force," thus reiki means "universal life force." Reiki, therefore, is the fundamental energy of life that can be accessed and used for healing and manifestation. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being. A Reiki treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through you and surrounds you. Many have reported miraculous results.

    Course Description
    In this course, you will learn the Western Reiki system and receive certification at the full Reiki Master Teacher level. You will be able to practice and teach Reiki like any other certified Reiki Master Teacher. Moreover, this course will enable you to practice Reiki as part of a complete spiritual and human potential development system that operates on all levels of existence (spiritual, mental, and physical). This is a practical course with straight-forward information, step-by-step descriptions, and detailed explanatory drawings. In addition, you receive distance attunements to initiate you into the energy and make the material come alive. The course can be completed within a minimum of 33 days of work, although there is no time limit on its completion. Included is an 80-page manual, which you can use for teaching your own classes after certification. (Adobe pdf-file version available from your instructor.) The course also comes with a four-page fold-out, laminated Reiki reference chart (shown above).

    HA211 - Reiki Level 1: Shoden (Attunement and First Teachings)
    This first level is about "plugging into" the Reiki energy and experiencing it directly. The initial empowerment process is how this course begins. Before any verbal or intellectual learning commences, you will experience Reiki energy directly, so that you know exactly what it is the course is about. Once you have completed this distant empowerment process, you are qualified to begin study of the written material. You get all the information and distant attunements needed to practice and teach Reiki and will continue to receive attunements throughout the course. You will learn a few of the secret Reiki Symbols and their names, as well as, how to draw and use them for specific conditions. You will learn about the body signals that offer the practitioner information that can help in communicating with others. You will learn about Reiki Meditation and Meditative Manifestation. Topics covered: History of Reiki, Attunements, Hand Positions, Self Treatment, Principles and Ethics, Short and Full treatment of others, and Reiki for animals, plants, and inanimate objects. Methods developed: Hand Positions, Hatsuri ? , Reiki Meditation, Ken Yoku (Brushing Off and Dry Bathing), Jyoshin Kokyu (Breathing Meditation), and Gassho Breathing.

    HA212 - Reiki Level 2: Okuden (Inner Teachings)
    At the second level, the student concentrates on learning to draw and meditate on the secret Reiki symbols to access the energy for attunement and transformation. The Reiki symbols bring to the practitioner certain "flavors" of the Reiki energy, tuned to specific uses. The training for Reiki Level 2 brings knowledge of Long Distance Healing, Scanning Techniques, and the Long Distance Symbols and their names, as well as how to draw and use them. You will continue to receive Reiki attunements. Topics covered: Level 2 Attunement and Ethics, Working with the Secret Symbols, Working with Representation, and Visualization Techniques. Methods developed: Cho Ku Rei (Power Symbol), Zei He Ki (Emotional Symbol), Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance and Mental Symbol), Beaming, Scanning, Byosen, Level 2 Meditation, Emotional Healing, Healing with the Eyes, and Healing with the Breath.

    HA213 - Reiki Level 3: Shinpiden (Mystery Teachings)
    The training for Reiki Level 3 brings you additional knowledge for Long Distance Healing, Scanning Techniques, higher Meditation Techniques, and an additional secret symbol. You will receive one more Reiki attunement at the end of the course. Topics covered: Master Attunement, Dai Ko myo (Mastery Symbol), Higher Attunements, Raku Symbol, Being a Reiki Master, Lineage, and Teaching Reiki to Others. Methods developed: Reiju (Empowerment), Attunements for Personal Presence, Self Attunements, and Distant Attunements.

    HA214 - Reiki Level 4: Master Reiki Teacher Certification
    This level requires the applicant to demonstrate complete skills at Reiki and the ability to teach others. The system of attunements and the secret symbols are reviewed, and new material on teaching others will be introduced. You will receive the Reiki Master's Attunement and Master/Teacher's Certificate. Your Reiki lineage will trace through three lineage Masters whose lineages go back to Mrs. Takata, Dr. Hayashi and ultimately Mikao Usui himself (see History of Reiki). The Certificate and your Reiki lineage authorizes you to practice and teach Reiki at the full Western Master level. You are also granted permission from Flamel College to use all course materials and training in giving Reiki classes yourself.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    Just watched a youtube video on Reiki. The video says that Reiki was used by Buddha and Jesus and maybe had it's beginnings in the lost civilizations of Atlantis and Mu. Could this be how Jesus turned water into wine? It was rediscovered by Dr. Usui a Christian Monk. He rediscovered Reiki, which is a Japanese name, after a student asked him how Jesus turned water into wine. He climbed up Mount Kurama in Japan and fasted for 21 days. White light entered his 3rd eye chakra after which he claimed to have found the key to 4 miracles. He named the gift from Gods Reiki. Reiki is not attached to any doctrine or religion. So I guess it's safe for atheists.

    AIRA american international reiki association.
  • @My_nameaintearl
    @My_nameaintearl Banned Users Posts: 2,609 ✭✭
    edited September 2011
    toomy do you have any real education besides youtube?
  • b*braze
    b*braze Members Posts: 8,968 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    I wouldn't doubt that there is some type of field around people. After all, humans do have electrical impulses constantly traveling through out our bodies. That said, the way this photography is suspect. First of all, it doesn't actually capture an image of the so-called aura. The aura that is seen in that picture is something that computer created and then placed on the picture. Now that in itself isn't exactly out of line. After all, most pictures you see of objects in space have a similar treatment. The difference is that for objects in space, the sensors take actual readings from the objects as they are, assign colors to match those readings and then fill in the image. So nothing is really being added, the image is just being modified to match what we perceive as "seeing" something. With these aura photos, it seems like they take readings from you hand to get an energy signature, then using that energy signature, they superimpose the aura on the image. The problem with that is that at no point does the sensor actually pick up any reading of the aura emanating from the body. It measures readings made when contacting the hand, and then just fills in a make believe set of colors around the person's head. It's kinda silly really.

    There is a device called a bioelectric field imager, and tests are presently being run to see what information such images can give about open wounds and melanoma.
    toomy wrote: »
    Are you saying colors do not vibrate? What makes the sky blue, the grass green and the sun yellow...etc...

    lol wtf @ this response
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    b*braze wrote: »
    lol wtf @ this response

    According to the description on how an Aura camera works colors vibrate at a certain magnetic frequency and the Aura camera have sensors that corresponse to that frequency. For example if you and your girlfriend both take a picture separately and the print image of your picture displays an orange Aura and your girlfriend has a blue Aura it just means that the magnetic field in your body and around you is vibrating at a different rate. Everyone has a magnetic field flowing through their body.

    We have a total of 12 bodies, including the body of
    flesh and blood. Some of them are physical bodies, and the
    rest are what could be called 'spiritual' bodies, for lack of a
    better word. New age doctrine mixes them all together
    without distinguishing between the physical and the
    'spiritual'. Nonetheless, our physical body of flesh and blood
    is the primary body of all the 12. It is the culmination of all
    the rest in the sense that all the other 'physical' bodies are
    less condensed versions of the flesh body.
    The spiritual bodies on the other hand exist because of
    the flesh body. In other words, they use the flesh body in
    order to manifest, just like ? uses the flesh body to
    There are 7 physical bodies. The first and most subtle is
    the magnetic body, then the electrical body, then the light
    and the etheric body. In some ancient writings, these
    four bodies are lumped together into one called a body of
    Fire, just as the corresponding universal substances are all
    together called the Fire substance. These four are followed
    by the Air body, then the Water body and finally the Earthbody. So the ancient Greeks for example called the
    substances Water, Earth, Wind and Fire - Fire as I said, stands
    for the four higher substances.
    In addition to the physical bodies, we have 5 'spiritual'
    bodies. The most subtle is the Mental body, followed by the
    body of Will, then the Emotional body, then the body of
    Desire (new-agers call it the astral body or the animal body)
    and finally the body that is made up of our Actions. Newagers
    lump three of the bodies (Emotional, Will and Action
    bodies) into one that they call the Soul body.
    As you can see from their names, these 5 bodies
    represent the 'spiritual' activities of each individual, and are
    formed by those activities. The Mental body is formed by all
    your thoughts, the Will body by all your intentions, the Desire
    body by all your likes and dislikes and so on - thus they
    depend directly on the physical body, and cannot be
    made until the physical body is conceived. In other words,
    the person must be living as a flesh and blood person
    before his 'spiritual' bodies can be formed. New-agers and
    eastern mystics teach the false concept that these bodies
    came before the physical body, which is clearly impossible.
    The physical body of flesh and blood is the true Temple
    of ? , the one in which he creates everything else.
  • BiblicalAtheist
    BiblicalAtheist Members Posts: 15,668 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    Call it an aura, vibe, intuition.... there is something that emits from people. No one ever had that instant dislike for a stranger, or at first things seem okay and then all of the sudden a air raid siren is going off in your head and it's time to gtfot?
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    Here is a more modern western scientific take on why the sky is blue.

    If you've ever wondered why, like Irving Berlin, you see "nothing but blue skies," you're in good company. It took many centuries and a lot of smart people -- including Aristotle, Isaac Newton, Thomas Young, James Clerk Maxwell and Hermann von Helmholtz -- to puzzle out the answer, in part because the solution encompasses so many components: the colors in sunlight, the angle at which solar illumination travels through the atmosphere, the size of airborne particles and atmospheric molecules, and the way our eyes perceive color.

    Let's take the sky out of the equation for a moment and begin by looking at color. From a physics standpoint, color refers to the wavelengths of visible light leaving an object and striking a sensor, such as a human eye. These wavelengths might be reflected, or scattered, from an external source, or they might emanate from the object itself.

    Related Articles

    •How Auroras Work

    •What causes a rainbow?

    •Why does the sky get dark at night?

    The color of an object changes depending on the colors contained in the light source; for example, red paint, viewed under blue light, looks black. Isaac Newton demonstrated with a prism that the white light of the sun contains all colors of the visible spectrum, so all colors are possible in sunlight.

    In school, most of us learned that a banana appears yellow because it reflects yellow light and absorbs all other wavelengths. This is not accurate. A banana scatters as much orange and red as it does yellow, and scatters all of the colors of the visible range to some degree or other [source: Bohren]. The real reason it looks yellow relates to how our eyes sense light. Before we get into that, however, let's look at what color the sky actually is.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    Another good article on auras

    What causes auroras?
    Illustration of how solar winds impact the Earth's magnetosphereAuroras are indicators of the connection between the Earth and the sun. The frequency of auroras correlates to the frequency of solar activity and the sun's 11-year cycle of activity.

    As the process of fusion occurs inside the sun, it spews high-energy particles (ions, electrons, protons, neutrinos) and radiation in the solar wind. When the sun's activity is high, you'll also see large eruptions called solar flares and coronal mass ejections. These high-energy particles and radiations get released into space and travel throughout the solar system. When they hit the Earth, they encounter its magnetic field.

    How do we know what causes auroras?

    In 1895, a Norwegian physicist named Kristian Birkeland addressed the queston of what causes auroras. Birkeland believed that auroras were caused by electrons from the sun that interacted with the Earth's magnetic field. To test this, he placed a spherical magnet called a terrella inside a vacuum chamber. He also had an electron gun inside the chamber. When he turned on the gun, electrons interacted with the magnet's field and produced an artificial aurora, supporting his hypothesis.

    Birkeland's artificial aurora didn't show the characteristic oval ring. The auroral ring was actually predicted by a Japanese graduate student named Shun-ichi Akasofu in 1964. He examined photographs of auroras and concluded that auroras were rings. So, why weren't Birkeland's auroras oval? Birkeland thought the electrons that excited the oxygen and nitrogen ions came directly from the sun. Only when satellites began to study auroras and measure the magnetosphere did scientists figure out that the electrons came from the magnetosphere itself. When this idea was placed in mathematical models, auroral rings could be explained.
    x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    The poles of the Earth's magnetic field lie near, but not exactly on, its geographic poles (where the planet spins on its axis). Scientists believe that the Earth's liquid iron outer core spins and makes the magnetic field. The field is distorted by the solar wind, getting compressed on the side facing the sun (bow shock) and drawn out on the opposite side (magnetotail). The solar winds create an opening in the magnetic field at the polar cusps. Polar cusps are found on the solar side of the magnetosphere (the area around the Earth that's influenced by the magnetic field). Let's look at how this leads to an aurora.

    1.As the charged particles of solar winds and flares hit the Earth's magnetic field, they travel along the field lines.
    2.Some particles get deflected around the Earth, while others interact with the magnetic field lines, causing currents of charged particles within the magnetic fields to travel toward both poles -- this is why there are simultaneous auroras in both hemispheres. (These currents are called Birkeland currents after Kristian Birkeland, the Norwegian physicist who discovered them -- see sidebar.)
    3.When an electric charge cuts across a magnetic field it generates an electric current (see How Electricity Works). As these currents descend into the atmosphere along the field lines, they pick up more energy.
    4.When they hit the ionosphere region of the Earth's upper atmosphere, they collide with ions of oxygen and nitrogen.
    5.The particles impact the oxygen and nitrogen ions and transfer their energy to these ions.
    6.The absorption of energy by oxygen and nitrogen ions causes electrons within them to become "excited" and move from low-energy to high-energy orbitals (see How Atoms Work).
    7.When the excited ions relax, the electrons in the oxygen and nitrogen atoms return to their original orbitals. In the process, they re-radiate the energy in the form of light. This light makes up the aurora, and the different colors come from light radiated from different ions.

    Note: The particles that interact with the oxygen and nitrogen ions in the atmosphere don't come from the sun, but rather were already trapped by the Earth's magnetic field. The solar winds and flares perturb the magnetic field and set these particles within the magnetosphere in motion.
  • BiblicalAtheist
    BiblicalAtheist Members Posts: 15,668 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    Damn... you've been quite the busy boy since last night huh
  • @My_nameaintearl
    @My_nameaintearl Banned Users Posts: 2,609 ✭✭
    edited September 2011
    toomy do you have any real education besides youtube?

    still waiting.
  • The Lonious Monk
    The Lonious Monk Members Posts: 26,258 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    Why is this dude posting articles about auroras and claiming they are auras? Do you think they are the same because the words look similar or something?
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    Why is this dude posting articles about auroras and claiming they are auras? Do you think they are the same because the words look similar or something?

    From wikipedia..

    An aurora (plural: auroras or aurorae) is a natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) regions, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere (thermosphere). The charged particles originate in the magnetosphere and solar wind and are directed by the Earth's magnetic field into the atmosphere. Aurora is classified as diffuse or discrete aurora. Most aurorae occur in a band known as the auroral zone[1][2] which is typically 3° to 6° in latitudinal extent and at all local times or longitudes. The auroral zone is typically 10° to 20° from the magnetic pole defined by the axis of the Earth's magnetic dipole.

    In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like the halo or aureola in religious art).

    So same objects just different applications and location.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    This website offers a guide on how to read your Aura by looking at a mirror.

    How to see your own Aura

    Stand about 1.5 m in front of a good size mirror. In the beginning it is best if the background behind you is plain white and there are no shadows. Illumination should be VERY soft and uniform not bright. Follow instructions above for seeing Auras.

    PRACTICE for at least 10-15 minutes each day to increase your sensitivity and develop Auric sight. Remember that practice is required to develop Auric sight.

    And also explains what each color may mean.

    Meaning of Clean Colors of the Aura
    (colors of the rainbow, bright, shiny, monochromatic colors):

    Purple: indicates spiritual thoughts. Purple is never a strong point in the Aura. It appears only as temporary "clouds" and "flames", indicating truly spiritual thoughts.

    Blue: Balanced existence, sustaining life, eased nerve system, transmitting forces and energy. People with blue strong point in their Aura are relaxed, balanced and feel ready to live in a cave and survive. They are born survivors. Blue thought is a thought about relaxing the nerve system to achieve the balance of the mind or a thought about surviving. Electric blue can override any other color in the Aura, when the person is receiving and/or transmitting information in a telepathic communication. For example Michel Desmarquet, author of "Thiaoouba Prophecy", frequently glows with the electric blue during his lectures, especially when he answers questions from the public.

    Turquoise: indicates dynamic quality of being, highly energized personality, capable of projection, influencing other people. People with turquoise strong point in their Aura can do many things simultaneously and are good organizers. They feel bored when forced to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with turquoise Auras, because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team rather than demand executing their commands. Turquoise thought is a thought about organizing and influencing others.

    Green: restful, modifying energy, natural healing ability. All natural healers should have it. People with a green strong point in their Auras are natural healers. The stronger the green Aura, the better the healer. They also love gardening and usually have a "green hand" - anything grows for them. Being in a presence of a person with a strong and green Aura is a very peaceful and restful experience. Green thought indicates a restful state and healing.

    Yellow: joy, freedom, non-attachment, freeing or releasing vital forces. People who glow yellow are full of inner joy, very generous and not attached to anything. Yellow halo around the head: high spiritual development. A signature of a spiritual teacher. Do not accept spiritual teachings from anyone who does not have such a yellow halo. Buddha and Christ had yellow halos extending to their arms. Today it is rare on Earth to find a person with a halo larger than 1 inch. Yellow halo appears as a result of a highly active brow chakra (which can be seen glowing with violet by many people at my workshops). Highly spiritual people stimulate the brow chakra continuously for many years, because they always have intensive spiritual thoughts in their minds. When this chakra is observed when highly active, a yellow (Auric pair) halo appears around it, surrounding the entire head. Yellow thought indicates a moment of joy and contentment.

    Orange: uplifting and absorbing. Inspiring. A sign of power. Ability and/or desire to control people. When orange becomes a strong point, it usually contributes to a yellow halo, which then becomes gold, indicating not only a spiritual teacher, but a powerful spiritual teacher, someone capable of demonstrating his/her unique abilities. Orange thought is a thought about exercising power or a desire to control people.

    Red: materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body. Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person.

    Pink (=purple+red): love (in a spiritual sense). To obtain a clean pink, you need to mix the purple (the highest frequency we perceive) with red (the lowest frequency). Pink Aura indicates that the person achieved a perfect balance between spiritual awareness and the material existence. The most advanced people have not only a yellow halo around the head (a permanent strong point in the Aura) but also a large pink Aura extending further away. The pink color in the Aura is quite rare on Earth and appears only as a temporary thought, never as a strong point in the Aura.

    Meaning of ? colors:
    (colors appearing darker than background more like a smoke than a glow)

    Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.

    Gray: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions, presence of a dark side of personality.

    Sulfur (color of a mustard): pain or lack of ease, anger

    White: serious disease, artificial stimulation (drugs). Why does the white color in the Aura indicate problems? White color is like a noise, rather than a set of harmonious tones (monochromatic colors). It is impossible to "tune" the noise to an orchestra playing harmonious music, hence the white Aura indicates a lack of harmony in the body and mind. Nature, which we are a part of, is harmonious. This harmony comes in discrete vibration "tones" or harmonics, partially described by the modern quantum physics.
  • playmaker88
    playmaker88 Members Posts: 67,905 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    I think he is among the that new form of I.S

    Intelligent Spam who actually makes post.. but this version just post articles
  • The Lonious Monk
    The Lonious Monk Members Posts: 26,258 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    Man if all other Technology progressed as quickly as spam technology, we'd be living like the Jetsons right now.
  • playmaker88
    playmaker88 Members Posts: 67,905 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    Man if all other Technology progressed as quickly as spam technology, we'd be living like the Jetsons right now.

    ? we should be living likethe jetsons.. im still mad about that and.. us not having hoverboards like in back to the future its 2011..

    2011.. dont that sound like the future.. smh
  • edeeesq
    edeeesq Members Posts: 511
    edited September 2011
    LOL @ Ya'll in this thread.....hurt ol' boys feelings
  • Datdude87
    Datdude87 Members Posts: 3,627 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    aura's long until we can harness dat ? and start doin some dragonball Z ? ?
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    Jeez Louis. i don't know why some people are tripping as I stated in my title this is an alternative way of treating disease. I found a free guide @ for anyone who's interested in reading the how to guide to applying Reiki as a form of healing.

    To the left there are links for you to download it as a PDF or text file.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    I read the first 20 or so pages of the free e-booklet on Reiki and so far from what I gather it's basically what preachers do in churches to baptise and heal the sick. Preachers call on the name of ? /Jesus to heal the sick while practioners of Reiki call upon the life force of ? to heal the sick- but they also uses what they call the sacred symbols of usui Reiki. They claim that if you draw these symbols with your hands or with a pen anyone can draw from the life force of ? . These are 5 of the traditional symbols. The main difference between Reiki and a Preacher/healer is anyone can draw from the life force of ? . You don't have to be a preacher/priest. As you probably know Catholic priest draw with their hands when they give communion/blessings to someone.

    The Power Reiki Symbol
    Name- Cho Ku Rei
    Intention- Light Switch
    Purposes- Manifestation, increased power, accelerated healing


    The Master Reiki Symbol
    name- Dai Ko Myo
    Intention- Enlightenment
    Purpose- Empowerment, soul heling, oneness

  • Madbeats
    Madbeats Members Posts: 544
    edited September 2011
    This thread is very...enlightening!
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    Also the practitioners of Reiki pray and meditate in a position called the Gassho which is sitting or kneeling in a comfortable position and bringing your palms together at the level of your heart, same as children pray. Keeping your back as straight as possible all attention should be focused on the point where the two index fingers come together.


    To deliver Reiki, the practitioner places his hands lightly on the dis-eased areas of the subject's body and uses meditative techniques to open the flow of universal life force.