"Where was ? during 9/11?"

The Lonious Monk
The Lonious Monk Members Posts: 26,258 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2011 in R & R (Religion and Race)
It's a document that was shown on WETA/PBS. Did anyone catch this? After seeing this, I'm convinced that religious people in general just have crazy notions.

It was divided into four sections. The first section consisted of accounts from people who experienced or were affected by 9/11 in some way. The large majority of the people lost their faith in ? due to 9/11. About half of those lost faith because they believed ? should have saved their loved ones, the other half lost faith because they believed ? was actually responsible for the incident. The funny thing is pretty much all of them talked like they were super Christians/Jews/Muslims before 9/11.

It's crazy to me because bad stuff happens everyday. People die everyday. It amazes me how self centered religious folk can be. It's like all this carnage is constantly going on around them but as long as it doesn't affect them, they are happy servants of ? . As soon as it hits them in anyway then they suddenly question ? or outright lose all faith in him. Oh, and let's be clear. I don't mean these people stopped believing in ? . They pretty much all said they still believed ? existed. They just didn't like him very much anymore and didn't believe he was a "good" ? .

There were some other interesting accounts besides the ? bashing too. One black lady talked about her daughter dying. She said she questioned why ? would take her daughter and then decided her daughter must have been depressed or something and she didn't know about so ? called her home to make her feel better. Seriously.

There were also a couple atheists and they said from their vantage point, the whole occurrence was harder for them than religious people because they had nothing to turn to. They had to accept that it was people who committed such an act and no sense could really be made of it, so they just felt empty.

They way people respond to tragedy really is interesting.


  • VIBE
    VIBE Members Posts: 54,384 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    So ? is the terrorist. We need to run team 6 on him, take him dead asap.
  • marc123
    marc123 Members Posts: 16,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    ? was busy during 9/11. rumor is he was dealing w/ some hoes... dont quote me on that. jesus likes to keep his hoes on the q.t.
  • fiat_money
    fiat_money Members Posts: 16,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    INB4 "? works in mysterious ways."
  • p-tavern
    p-tavern Members Posts: 2,626 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    As said, if

    any non-American were to ask...where was ? when bin Laden died or Saddam or ? or judas iscariot or j.edgar hoover...unfortunately, the t/s forgot that we Americans are not any more "special" than other humanns, in the eyes of ? , only in the eyes of Humans...as ? does not care about what we go thru, its how we handle it, which is all that matters to him

    What about Jews though?
  • Shuffington
    Shuffington Members Posts: 3,775 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    Yeah.. its definitely interesting the way people try to comprehend random events carried out by reckless people

    I think humans in general are just mentally fragile (imo thats why the whole ? concept exist).
    Like soldiers that come back from War torn regions after witnessing bodies being blown to smithereens, or Children who are molested or abused through out child hood, or civilians who barely survive a natural disaster but witness their neighbors and their friends being swept away by a flood or buried under tons of concrete.

    That ? is traumatizing.

    I was reading about the death camps during the holocaust and how people knew they were going to die because they were surrounded by it everyday through blatant murder or starvation.

    In order to not "go crazy" (for lack of a better term) you have to come to some sort of rationale just to maintain.

    As an atheist that was my hardest hurdle (besides telling my mother) to over come. If someone I'm close to passes away.. I will never see them again, ever. Since I know Im here...I have one life to live & one shot at happiness.
  • VIBE
    VIBE Members Posts: 54,384 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    The real answer lies within our brains, we need that comfort and help some way or another. Instead of accepting the fact that someone was saved out of the buildings, they state it was some "guardian angel" who was never seen of again.

    It gives them a sense of security, where is ? , I know you're there and coming, please come now.

    ? is just a comfort thought and feeling, when it doesn't come to save the world everyone is upset that it didn't show itself to prove it exists. They hold on to some sense of divine feeling.

    Although if you believe in ? , no need to go ballistic and say it does exist, I'm just answering from my thoughts and views right now. No hate.
  • Chike
    Chike Members Posts: 2,702 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    "Where was ? during 9/11?"

    Controlling the planes! Ooohhhhhhhhh snap!
  • fiat_money
    fiat_money Members Posts: 16,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    As said, if

    any non-American were to ask...where was ? when bin Laden died or Saddam or ? or judas iscariot or j.edgar hoover...unfortunately, the t/s forgot that we Americans are not any more "special" than other humanns, in the eyes of ? , only in the eyes of Humans...as ? does not care about what we go thru, its how we handle it, which is all that matters to him
    So, in effect, you're saying "? works in mysterious ways."?
  • The Lonious Monk
    The Lonious Monk Members Posts: 26,258 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    fiat_money wrote: »
    INB4 "? works in mysterious ways."

    It's funny cause the few people who didn't hate ? pretty much said that.
  • VulcanRaven
    VulcanRaven Members Posts: 18,859 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    ? was too busy jacking off to ? demon porn to care about 9/11.
  • fiat_money
    fiat_money Members Posts: 16,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    It's funny cause the few people who didn't hate ? pretty much said that.
    Yeh, that's a classic line for religious theists.

    It's also a favorite of mine.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited September 2011
    "? " is perfect and yearns to know what it feels like to be imperfect so he/she initiated this current cycle which is called evil/decay/self forgetfulness. This cycle will end in 2012.
  • DarkRaiden
    DarkRaiden Members Posts: 1,423 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    ? was watching like "damn some of these humans is evil. How you stage an attack on your own people just to attack and start a war against others??? Devil be Damned!!"
  • BiblicalAtheist
    BiblicalAtheist Members Posts: 15,668 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2011
    ? is dead.... and has been replaced with ? . Just informing you.
