OK so im on BP and I come across this ? .......................10 Secrets Men Keep

blacklsoldier Members Posts: 899
edited April 2010 in The Powder Room
1) We think we are good in bed. Men are taught that confidence solves just about anything. You can be making a total mistake, but as long as you’re confident, it will turn out okay. This may explain why we are so clueless at what we are doing in bed, but we act like we know.

2) Getting too tipsy on a date is a turnoff. Some people turn into a completely different person when they are ? . Let the other person learn about you while you’re sober, before you get wasted with them. If one drink takes the edge off, and wine adds romance it’s fine. Just don’t push it too far.

3) Heavy makeup is a turnoff. When a girl does her makeup well, the results can be magical. But the one thing that should never happen is excessive application: too much, too many colors, or if it’s just a botched attempt at a good makeup technique.

4) We put pressure on ourselves to get married. Women say they feel more pressure to settle down because they can’t have children as easily past a certain age. I don’t feel pressure in that sense, but I do fear that my appearance and my “game” will fade as I get older. It’s fun being one of the few guys in my group of friends who hasn’t yet found love, but at the same time I wonder what is wrong with me.

5) We want to bail the morning after a one-night stand. Do not linger in bed hungover. Do everything you can to get home and fester in your own bed. Give each other a hug, wish each other well, and don’t say anything about calling, and don’t believe him when he mutters that he will call you.

6) You’ll never understand our sports obsession. I know some women love sports. But are they as obsessed with sports like guys are? I read about sports every day, and go over stats. There is no reason women wouldn’t understand sports like we do; I just think guys across the board are more obsessed.

7) Sex in the shower is overrated. I once tried this, but the entire time I was trying to contort my body so that I could get everything inserted correctly. That “up against the wall” variation is tougher than it sounds. The entire shower apparatus is so slippery, and then you have soap all over the place. It’s a danger zone.

8) We do think you’re crazy sometimes, but only because it makes things easier for us. It seems to take a huge load of pressure off me. No longer was I trying to rationalize moves that women made. We don’t really think women are insane, we just say it so we can be done thinking about their antics and move on.

9) We get jealous because we’re insecure. If a guy feels like he does not deserve a woman or is not good enough for her, he will become jealous easily and worried that he’s going to lose her to another guy. On the other hand, I admit that I have tried to make girls I’m interested in jealous on purpose before.

10) We notice what you’re wearing. Make sure you cater what you wear to what you’re doing. I try not to make a girl walk too much if she’s in heels. Also, I’ve seen girls wear pearls and a nice blouse to trashy outdoor drinking events, or heels to sporting events.
