Sonning people so bad that they resort to unspeakable acts and get out of character.

Blue Libra
Blue Libra Members Posts: 1,940 ✭✭
edited April 2010 in AKA Donkey
Sonnin tdouble and billfagger so bad that they resorted to posting ? porn gifs and pics in my threads which shut down the ic for a while.
I also find it funny when said sonned posters eventually start to try and post like you, stealing bits and pieces of your posting style.
Poor guys dont know what to do, they start saying unfunny this and unfunny that, start editing posts(e2s is the kang of editing posts btw) , guys even try to use my unfunny quotes thread against me even after saying how corny and wack it is. It goes to show how flustered and hurt guys get from sonning.
