Do you believe in heaven everybody will be automatically 33 years of age?

waynefan Members Posts: 129
edited September 2011 in For The Grown & Sexy
A boy Colton Burpo said that at age 4 he went to heaven,? can do anything possible or impossible.He saw his great grandfather but intsead of as an old man when he died he saw him as a young man around age 30.I dont wanna be old in heaven at ALL I wanna be young and ageless.He did say no old people are in heaven but there were children,animals and young adults I wish he could said if everybody was white,black,or any race there but he didn't say that but Jesus died at 33 o I hope I will be that like in between young and getting old.I believe this boys story cause nobody lies about this kind of stuff he even mentioned his parents miscarried child who they never mentioned to him because that happened before they had him and that the miscarried child was a girl and he met her in heaven.
