Haiku Thread

RuffDraft Members, Writer Posts: 4,753 ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2011 in Waiting To Exhale
Don't know who's interested, but Haiku's are a Japanese style of poetry. I'm teaching them at the minute, they were originally a form of poetry/enlightenment by monks in particular, none more so than the creator, Master Basho.

The poems are not about showing off the language that you can generate, so the likes of similes aren't wanted here.

The purpose of a Haiku is for self-enlightenment, an image over an explanation and it must be less than 17 syllables in all; if you're interested, you can learn all about them here.

That said, I've made two a few days ago; feel free to create your own and add to the thread.

Just remember, no more than 17 syllables!!! Must have 3 lines, usually follows a 5-7-5 syllables in Japan, but modern western Haiku's don't necessarily and can be less than 17 syllables!!


Branches outstretched
Swaying Neighbours growing vexed
Autumn leaves many deaths

Flowing breeze
Discovering trees
Silent kiss
