COD MW3 Clan Recruiting...

thablewprnt2 Members Posts: 29
edited October 2011 in IllGaming
Sup fam.

I'm putting together an elite squad for the new MW3 joint.

We currently have a squad for Black Ops called [ABE] All Black Everything

This is a video of some of us when BLOPS first dropped.


I'm gonna keep it real. XBL/PSN got a LOT of racist white boys on there so we decided to put together a clan that consists only of men of color. Black, Hispanic, ect. so we can focus on having fun and not dealing with whites who act cool around blacks then get with their white friends and be on some racist ? or have have racist friends.

We allow whites only if someone in the crew can vouch. The fact is that whites do it all the time so I don't see nothing wrong with us brothers getting together and shootin ? up...

This is a SERIOUS clan.

However, you don't have to be a beast. All you have to be is competitive.

Other requirements:

Must have a mic
Must play more than TDM
Must bring at least one member to the clan


There is no tryout, but it would be helpful if you can post your K/D on BLOPS or MW2 and what times you are most available.

This is a PSN squad only. We were on XBL, but a lot of people are feeling the free online so it's easier to get more people on.

If interested. Post your PSN here (or PM me if your are not comfortable) and I will add you ASAP.

We are also changing the name of the clan so you have a chance to make it your own by dropping suggestions for the clan tag.

I'm mostly on BLOPS right now, but I got MW2 on deck as well so that we can get some games in before MW3.

