We Can Defeat The Devil With Pure Thought and Actions

toomy Members Posts: 369
edited November 2011 in R & R (Religion and Race)
According to ancient Black Prophet Zoroaster.


"The two gifts of perfection and eternity,
O my lord, shall lead the people to spiritual and inner light.
Through will power, pure thought, love and faith
towards ? , the standing life and spiritual strength shall increase.
Through these qualifications, o Lord of Wisdom, one can overcome his enemies.


  • Bully_Pulpit
    Bully_Pulpit Members Posts: 5,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2011
    I think its important that we identify what the devil is or means because its definitely not a guy in red pajamas with a pitchfork, more like a cop out for bad behavior to me and furthermore is just a machination of the vatican church. The real enemy is flesh and bone.
  • Bully_Pulpit
    Bully_Pulpit Members Posts: 5,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2011
    Yeah im serious, im black and I dont subscribe to that theory. White people are people too lol. That ? is just a cop out and is diverting the focus on the real issues
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited October 2011
    The Devil=Sin, ? , Gluttony. All of the trappings of the material world.
    By a true confession of faith, by good deeds and by keeping body and soul pure, any individual can limit the power of the evil forces and strengthen the power of goodness. Evil deeds, words, and thoughts strengthen the power of evil.

    it is suggested that a person must ? their lower self ( i.e. their sin, ? ) by following their heart, not their brain. An example given was the ancient tale of Persus decapitating the Gorgon. If persus looked upon the Gorgon he would turn to stone. The Ego/Lower self would turn the heart and the soul into stone. In order to overcome the head ( intellect ) away as the intellect is unable to overcome the Ego/Lower self. It is only when we look and lead with our hearts, that the battle can be fought.

    Some suggestions about how to lead with your heart are by sharing your vision with others. Acknowldge that people are valuable. Espouse the concept of loving people. A constant with successful managers in any business is that they love their people. If you are a boss you should alwasy take some time to mentor andone who is struggling on the job. Let people succeed. Think about how you relate to people in your personal and business life.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited October 2011

    the slaying of the constellation taurus by the constellation persus star map
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited October 2011
    Some of the 'isms' used by Mithraist are still alive in some parts of black culture today. Mithraist called themselves 'Brother' and were led by a priest called 'Father;. The symbol of the Father were a staff, a hooked sword, a ring and a hat. This kind of reminded me of the stereotypical image of the ? .

    [IMG]http://man-over-board.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/? .jpg[/IMG]

    Mithriasts developed distinctive hand shakes. Some black men also display distinctive hand shakes among themselves.

    This has me wondering. was Jesus a mithriast or a follower?
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited October 2011
    The Dogon tribe in mali africa is another good example of how to lead with your heart. The tribe has a long ritual of asking visitors about their family. Also within the tribe they praise each other.

    The Dogon are strongly oriented toward harmony, which is reflected in many of their rituals. For instance, in one of their most important rituals, the women praise the men, the men thank the women, the young express appreciation for the old, and the old recognize the contributions of the young. Another example is the custom of elaborate greetings whenever one Dogon meets another. This custom is repeated over and over, throughout a Dogon village, all day. During a greeting ritual, the person who has entered the contact answers a series of questions about his or her whole family, from the person who was already there. Invariably, the answer is sewa, which means that everything is fine. Then the Dogon who has entered the contact repeats the ritual, asking the resident how his or her whole family is. Because the word sewa is so commonly repeated throughout a Dogon village, neighboring peoples have dubbed the Dogon the sewa people.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited October 2011
    Repeating positive affirmations is another good way to put harmony into your body and spirit. I good technique for applying positive affirmations that I read a couple of months ago is to let your mind go blank first and then repeat a positive affirmation or song.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited November 2011
    And yet another strange observation from me. yeah. I'm a kook.

    but what if the key to speeding up the end of evil is to use your left hand more and turn all clocks from counter clockwise to clockwise?

    5 and 1/2 Billion plus people ( Not including Africans Blacks ) have a group conscousness and it seems to go around and around and around with no end in sight.

    We must break this crazy circle by turning it the other way. Turn the clock left not right.

    How do we know the ancient Egyptians was not left handed?

    The Ancient Prophet Zoroaster says to lead with your heart. And as we all know the heart is on the left side.

    I think we must physically rearrange all clocks to got clocwise to break the circle of group conscouisness.

    If this is correct I bow 108 times to the Divine.

    If not forgettabout it...:)

    Carry on to your usual mayhem.
