What if Hip Hop Died?

gsource Members Posts: 7
edited May 2010 in The Social Lounge
What if hip-hop died (if it hasn't already)? What would happen? Is it inevitable or you think it's gonna act sorta like a recession (go down and climb back up)?

I mean, hip-hop is always evolving right? There are always new songs, new sounds, new melodies, new styles. What would happen after all this is exercised? Cuz i think sooner or later we all gonna end up making similar sounds and what not and nothing new will come out..

There's gotta be a point where you can only be creative as what the genre allows you right? Too much creativity in the genre and you might end up making a totally new genre?

So what if it died?
Beats That Will Seduce Your Ears:


  • ThaChozenWun
    ThaChozenWun Members Posts: 9,390
    edited May 2010
    Something else will come in its place its happened throughout history. Black man makes music, white man takes it, we create a new genre. Same thing is happening with hiphop, its been taken over by rich white men, white people make a mockery out of the culture, and then soon its over ran with white people in this case just ignorant ? like Gucci and Waka and so forth.
  • white people like me
    white people like me Members Posts: 171
    edited May 2010
    The day hip hop dies is when I know the black community has finally arisen to greatness