Ubisoft To Tackle Used Game Sales

joshuaboy Members Posts: 10,858 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2010 in IllGaming
Publisher may follow EA's model of $10 access keys

Ubisoft may attempt to thwart used game sales by offering additional content to buyers of new copies of its games starting next year.

During the company's financial call this morning, Chief Financial Officer Alain Martinez said Ubisoft is looking closely at Electronic Arts' current business model, where buyers of used games must pay $10 to gain access to certain gameplay features and content that's normally free if purchased new.

"Most of the games we will release next year will have downloadable content available from the start," said Martinez. "We are looking very carefully at what is being done by EA regarding what we call the '10 dollar solution,' and we will probably follow that line at sometime in the future."

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot also noted the company already used access keys with its titles last year with retailer-specific in-game items. Guillemot said their plan hopes to please both the retailers and consumers.

"We have the system in place to actually generate more revenue on the second-hand market," he said. "We are building out the content to make sure it can be beneficial for both groups."

EA recently announced the "Online Pass" for its sports games, giving users access to certain features, such as multiplayer modes. The pass is included in all new copies; however, a used buyer must pay $10 for the pass.

