Netflix Party Removed in Xbox 360 Dashboard Update

joshuaboy Members Posts: 10,858 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 2011 in IllGaming
Microsoft issues a statement to IGN about the removed party feature.

As gamers begin to take advantage of what the new Xbox 360 Dashboard update has to offer, there are a few features that have fallen by the wayside. Of the removed features, one that seems to be rubbing a lot of people the wrong way is the Netflix party feature. We've received several reports from irate gamers about the removed feature, which allowed Xbox LIVE subscribers to hang out with their friends' Avatars while viewing a video through the Netflix app.

IGN reached out to Microsoft about the removal and they issued the following response.

"The new app platform on Xbox does not support the video party mode feature at this time, so will not be available in any existing app partners that have updated their app, like Netflix, or any of the new Xbox app partners. The feature is still available in some of our international video apps, like BSkyB in the UK and will likely be included in the next version of the app dev kit.

"For customers that would like to chat with their Xbox LIVE friends while gaming or watching videos the chat feature is still available via the Xbox Guide."

While it seems that you'll still be able to chat with friends while watching videos, the outright removal of the Party option is still a disappointing move; hopefully we'll see it returned at some point.
