Strippers in Peril!

perspective@100 Members Posts: 1,862 ✭✭✭✭
edited June 2010 in The Social Lounge
Strippers Reportedly File Oil Spill Compensation Claim; Pay Czar 'Dubious'

Countless people's livelihoods have suffered as a result of the gulf oil spill: fishermen, drilling crews, oceanfront restaurateurs. And now ... strippers?

That's the word out of New Orleans, where over the weekend England's The Observer reported that the Mimosa Dancing Girls adult entertainment club filed a compensation claim for lost business under the $20 billion gulf oil spill escrow fund that the Obama administration conceived and BP agreed to last week.

But today, the government-appointed administrator of the fund, pay czar Kenneth Feinberg, expressed his doubt that the claim was legitimate.

"I'm dubious about that claim. I'm very dubious about that claim," Feinberg told "Good Morning America." "But I don't want to prejudge any individual claim, and I think we will study this and decide how attenuated claims can be that will be eligible or ineligible for compensation under this independent facility."

Interestingly enough, Surge Desk has yet to discover a business of that description listed under the name "Mimosa" in the New Orleans area. Stay tuned for further updates
