Mac Miller, Macadelic (Mixtape) Track By Track Review

iRod Members Posts: 6
edited March 2012 in The Reason
As much as I wasn’t looking forward to Mac Miller’s follow up project to Blue Slide Park, when I saw it was a free download I had to give it a listen. To sum up this entire review in one word, I would probably use the word “surprised” if given an extra word I would probably choose “pleasantly” I was pleasantly surpised by what Mac Miller brought to the table with “Macadelic.”

Mac Miller
Released Fri, 23 Mar 2012 at 8:00pm
Mixtape review by, Rod Black aka iRod

It’s clear from the start of the tape that Mac Miller is straying from his comfort zone. This album doesn’t showcase, the fun loving, care free, person who gets high, parties, and writes music about it. A much darker, deeper side of him is on display, with lyrics that far surpass those of his past. Maybe part of the reason this was a mixtape, with a free download, was in part because of how experimental it is. I don’t exactly know which fan base this mixtape is going to hit home with, his younger “Donald Trump” fans probably won’t care for most of the songs on this tape, and it isn’t enough of a lyrical miracle for some hip-hop heads, and it's far from a classic. Though I think Macadelic is better than any of his previous work, some may never hear it, after a rather quiet release, and some might find their selves lost with this new sound, I think most people won’t care to give it a second or third listen, and will ultimately forget about it entirely, but I think it’s better than that.

To see the entire, 11,515 character, track by track review. Please visit my blog, at the address below, there you find the final rating as well.
