Howard Dean vs. Karl Rove at the University of Colorado

The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister Members Posts: 2,883 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2010 in The Social Lounge
BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean will debate Republican strategist Karl Rove at the University of Colorado.

The university says the debate is scheduled for Feb. 15 at the school's Macky Auditorium in Boulder and will be moderated by CU Chancellor Phil DiStefano.

Rove and Dean are expected to debate issues such as health care and education reform, with questions picked randomly from e-mails sent to the Distinguished Speakers Board. The board is sponsoring the debate, paid for by student fees. The board says the event will cost $56,000.

Students can buy event tickets for $1. Tickets for the general public cost between $15 to $20.
