Wii U

KINGOFDAARCADE Members Posts: 4,379 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2012 in IllGaming
thinking about getting this cause i got a shitload of money to spend. Yet Ive been ignorant towards wiiU because its Nintendo. so help me with the following....

How are they improving the online since Wii? Are they still going with "Friend Codes"?

Launch games?

How does 3rd party support look?

Does it come with nunchuk and all that motion controller ? or is it mainly the Tablet controller that will be used?

do you think it will be easy to hack?


  • Recaptimus_Prime360
    Recaptimus_Prime360 Members Posts: 64,801 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The jury still kinda out. From what I've read, it hasn't really generated any real hype. I think after the hoopla over the wii, followed by the dismal lack of good games to support it, folks are kinda holding back.

    I might get it, but Nintendo need to step up. Stop be cheap wit the graphics. If they don't improve on that, and 3rd party support, then it will end up just like the wii...sitting collecting dust.