When you think about it, the hood is African Americans natural habitat

zay_24 Members Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭
edited July 2012 in For The Grown & Sexy
Im not saying segregation is right but as black people in america we are not meant to be living in the hills with tennis courts in our backyard and ? . We not posed to be going to all white schools, or be raised in a quiet community.

No matter what class a black person comes from, male or female, 90% of them are going to be attracted to "hood ? " and "hoodrats" dont believe me? Just look at all the male posters on here with they hoodrat fetish. And of course we all know blacc ? love thugs, whether they admit it or not, just go outside, or think bacc in the past on who your ex girlfriend cheated on you with
The main purpose in life is to reproduce, and to reproduce you need a mate right. Well as blacc people 90% of us are attracted to hood ? or hood rats so it only makes sense that's who our mates will be, meaning just by nature, we breed hood ? and more hoodrats, because thats who we are.
Hell look at whats happening nowadays, with black peopel moving to da burbs out the inner city. Those same burbs that were once quiet, is now loud, and gettin hood. Not that its a bad thing, but its just who we are. We are loud wild people, we come from the fuccin JUNGLE, wtf do you except. Its nothing to be ashamed of, its just who we are.
All im saying its better for us to just stay in the hood, because once we leave the hood we're doing the same ? that we did IN the hood, and we chase, fucc and date the same people that still live in the hood. So really whats the point
