Flag All Of AmbitiousOne's Posts: The Straight Man's Movement

p-tavern Members Posts: 2,626 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 2012 in AKA Donkey
I know this isn't the best time to make a thread, but Donkey is slower than DaMobb2Deep right now, so it'll stay on the front page come Monday regardless and this needs to be done already.

As is confirmed by the law of the land, AmbitiousOne is a man posing as a woman. This is obviously unacceptable.

If you feel, as a Straight Man, that the acts of this poster are wrong, then please flag every post you see from it. It only takes 5 flags to bury a post, and "it" usually get more than half of that anyway. Lets all have it be known that Donkey is not a haven for, well, whatever the ? type of ? "its" on.

Flag ALL of AmbitiousOne's posts on sight. Thank You.
