SE seems to think FF is losing sales because it's not like skyrim.

BoldChild Members Posts: 11,415 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2012 in IllGaming
or other WRPGS.

If that's what they think, gaming community, have mercy on them. All they need to do is go back to the FF4-9 style of games, and build around that. (For those that don't know XIII-3 is going to be some sort of single player Action rpg with lightning)

'A great experience is exactly what many Final Fantasy fans hunger for. They might feel burned on a previous title or perhaps they just want something new and fresh. "The change to Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, for me, is not very dramatic in terms of the rules of the game, but I think it will prove to be a big difference in terms of how the game feels," said Abe. "I hope that this change in how the game feels will work toward bridging the gap between us and the players that have grown distant."'
