Simpin' move or not? Royal White Castle Wedding 2011....

$ineedmoney$ Members Posts: 3,627 ✭✭✭✭✭

I've had this video recorded on my dvr since April 2011 (thanks Fox News). Whenever I need a hardy laugh, I press play. Since bein' here, I noticed there's an abundance of hate for simpin'. I hate simpin' too, but you all be the judge. I've never seen this video posted here, so I apologize in advance if it had been posted and I missed it. Now on to the video. This went down in Warren, Michigan. Not Detroit (LoL). This couple was married in April 2011 by a local radio station (contest winners). Married the same day as the royal couple. At the time, the Groom is 21 years of age and the Bride is 34 years of age (Lord Donovan & Lady Marquisa). Lord Donovan married into 7 step-children (none of them are his biologically). Oldest step-son is 17 years old (sted-dad and step-son having late night fights over Xbox). Also, seen in video rockin' Atlanta Braves fitted. Peep the amounts of Ether'ous L's and ratche'ness throughout the video. Dead @ the expression of Lady Marquisa's face at the 37 second mark.

Did Lord Donovan take a Lifetime Achievement L for this simp move??....Or is he commended for his bravery??
