how much you need to obtain to know that your a somebody?

unRealLady1 Members Posts: 1,081 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 2013 in For The Grown & Sexy
This generation of people seems as if they need a whole lot to know they are somebody's.. now I'm not against material gain, I'm just saying I knew I was a somebody way before material gain. I knew that I was a somebody at age 2.. just look at me. thats me in the purple.. I was thinking back then, I was somebody in the inside. I knew there was a ? . I was just trying to figure out my reason for being born. But I knew I was SOMEBODY... when I didnt have much..

do it take a lot for some people to feel like SOMEBODY? I'm not against people having a lot I just wonder why most people today do not feel like SOMEBODY unless they have a whole lot.. YOU SEE ME HOLDING THE RAGEDY ANN DOLL?!

flash back me at 17, I didnt even have a CAR, but I knew I was somebody!
