What Exactly Needs to be "Reformed," Concerning Immigration?

Maximus Rex
Maximus Rex Members Posts: 6,354 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 2013 in The Social Lounge
I actually don't have a problem with illegals. They keep the price of produce low and keep the U.S. populated with hot Spanish mamis. What I have a problem with is when them ? come up here and start demanding ? like they're entitled to something, never mind the fact those muthafuckas aren't suppose to be up here anyway. The cold part about is, these muthafuckas, (and their advocates,) want the U.S. government to do for illegals what the governments of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador won't do for their own people, let alone U.S. citizens if the roles where reversed. If the U.S. is suppose to supply the citizenry with free education, medical care, a living wage, a base standard of living, why are we not demanding the governments of Mexico, Central and South America to the same for their citizens? If it's about "keeping families together," then they can all be together in their native lands.

Muthafuckas also claim that "you won't be able to arrest and deport all of the illegals." You won't be to arrest every ? that selling d or every ? that's selling ass, however very few are advocating for legalization of drugs and prostitution. If the illegals are living are living in fear of constant deportation, many will say, "? it and go home." Some will ride this muthafuck until the wheels fall off, however the wrong approach is to appease and placate these muthafuckas by giving them ? they weren't entitled to. You also have to ask yourself, "Why do these muthafuckas want to be up here so bad? If those muthafuckas put half the energy into holding their governments accountable and responsible to people, in addition to fighting corruption and the drug cartels, then maybe their countries wouldn't be Third World ? holes that their leaving en masse. This immigration reform ? doesn't bode well for ? either. The immigrants are the same muthafuckas that a lot of us will have to compete with for jobs. My Daddy Rex, Rex's Pa Pa, and Rex's father were all carpenters by trade and we all know that immigrants are doing a lot of the skilled labor either by undercutting Americans or putting their amigos on to union work. ? need to get their heads in the game and realize that immigration reform doesn't mean us any good. As far as border security, Rex has a simple, effective, and VERY CHEAP SOLUTION:


Plant land mines along the more desolate parts of the border. If the eses can successfully navigate a minefield then they deserve to be in the U.S., also give the the Border Patrol "shoot the ? ," orders. If those muthafuckas start running, pop his ass.


  • indyman87
    indyman87 Members Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭
    nothing. those illegals just need to stop coming here. I saw a program on tv about a month ago about a criminal who committed murder somewhere in the States. This dude cross the Mexican border and found a job in a matter of days. That right there tells you there's jobs in Mexico. I think the only reason they keep coming here is because they think that parts of the US belongs to Mexico and/or they selling drugs.
  • Plutarch
    Plutarch Members Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭✭✭
    lol @ land mines.

    I remember recently seeing some news story on immigration by chance. And it must've been pro-illegal immigration because it used this whole bit about children of illegal immigrants who were living in the U.S. as citizens but were not able to be with their deported parents and families. It was nothing but appeal to emotion though. My ? detector went off, but moms fell for it because she's first generation, and I'm second generation. But the point that's being missed is that it's the parents' fault for coming here illegally in the first place and having their children here. Even though I think that those children should've never been made citizens in the first place, it's not the government's fault that they can't see their families. It's the parents' fault for exploiting a faulty immigration policy. And if they think that it's worth it for their children to have a better life in America, then they have to deal with the consequences of it being difficult to see them. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
    And who's to say that the families can't be reunited in some way? I've done so with my families. It's still possible to phone each other, visit each other via visas/passports, contact each other via the Internet like Skype, etc.

    Once you get pass all the emotional ? propaganda, you can see how our immigration policy can lead to an irresponsible increase in populations and can thus put a strain on American jobs, hospitals, schools, etc. It also can promote international crime and criminals. Most of all, it's a disservice to immigrants (like me) who either want to come or have come here legally. It might even compel immigrants who want to come here legally to now do so illegally. I feel for immigrants who want a better life for their children, but life isn't fair and nobody's entitled to anything. Even more so, legal immigration can also be a viable alternative (or you can start a revolution in your nation that you love so much and rebuild it into a better home for all of its citizens, let alone your children). But when has it ever been sensible to permit and reward something that's legitimately illegal? Oh yeah, when you're a globalist who wants the immigrant vote. Talks of creating a North American Union a la the European Union have been on the table for quite some time...

    If we want to solve this immigration problem, then we need to do what's needed to solve every other problem: educate and be active in the political process to reform our immigration policy (as well as our War on Drugs and perhaps NAFTA). The problem is that people are uneducated and passive.
  • Paul Hate.
    Paul Hate. Members Posts: 4,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They need to stop quota immigration and make it sponsorship based by jobs,schools,business investments,adoption,marriage,family unification etc.

    If I have a girlfriend in Haiti or Jamaica I should be able to sponsor her if I'm not collecting from the government with no problems.