So who out here really believe this terror threat?

brown321 Members Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭✭✭
They saying they intercepted al-Zawahiri telling one of his franchisees to "do something".
Supposedly the attackers are in place & waiting.
I doubt the dude has an attack ready & he using phones that he knows are monitored.

Could it be a ploy to get people to support the NSA spying?

If an attack doesn't happen I'm calling bs.


  • janklow
    janklow Members, Moderators Posts: 8,613 Regulator
    well, it's probably a combination of legitimately true (say, Zawahiri wanting to flex his muscles regarding control over AQ) and false (say, the scope and effectiveness of the threat).

    ...and it doesn't have to be a ploy to be used to someone's advantage.