Why does the IC hate South Park?

soul rattler
soul rattler Members Posts: 18,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2014 in Lights, Camera, Action!
Before South Park changed direction, I was never a fan and could barely make it through one episode. The talking towl, the talking log of ? , the homosexual Satan/Saddam Hussein relationship made for a painful show. I much preferred The Simpsons and Family Guy. But something happened around the mid-2000's and The Simpsons' comedy began to grow stale and Family Guy began sacrificing comedic absurdity for better animation and musical score. Meanwhile over at Comedy Central, South Park moved towards socio-political satire, similar to how the Boondocks had been doing since its publication in the Chicago Sun-Times.

What's so good about the modern South Park? It's aimed at virtually objective commentary on issues in American politics and pop culture, pulling no punches, even if its aimed at itself. A lot of people can't get over how the show looks but its visual simplicity is what allows them to consistently produce new seasons constantly, unlike the Boondocks whose animation production is so expensive and thus takes so long to put together. For those that put the Boondocks on a pedestal:

Huey = Stan and Kyle
Riley/Uncle Rukus = Cartman/Randy
Tom DuBois = Butters

Again, the highlight of South Park is the social commentary wrapped in hilarious satire.

South Park on lying politicians, athletes, and murders

South Park on Islamic extremism regarding portraying Muhammad

South Park on Mormonism

South Park on Scientology

South Park on Kanye West and Kim Kardashian
