Question that involves Roku, PS3, and Netflix...

OhPee Members Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2014 in Lights, Camera, Action!
What's up fellas?

I have, what appears to be, a basic $7.99/month plan on Netflix that only allows streaming. I own a PS3 at home and watch Netflix through there.

I am considering purchasing a Roku for my girlfriend so she can begin watching Netflix at her house.

My question is........once she sets up the Roku, can she log into Netflix with my username/password and begin streaming shows? That's 2 people using one account on 2 different devices. Another question is if she can watch Netflix on the Roku and myself on the PS3 AT THE SAME TIME using only MY account?

I know it's only $7.99/month but I am wondering if this is possible. If not, I'll just end up paying for her account as well.
