RUMOR: Andrew Garfield Signs New Contract To Return As SPIDER-MAN Up Until 2020

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The Daily Star is reporting that Andrew Garfield has been offered a multi-million dollar deal to play our favorite web crawler up until the year 2020! A senior source at Columbia Pictures says that "Andrew is already contracted to make two more films for release in 2015 and 2016." 2015? Could that be another Spidey flick or a cameo in another CBM we know that comes out that year? Anyway the senior source went on to say that "We are looking to tie him to the role for as many as a further four pictures given the huge success the franchise is enjoying [...] The part is pretty much his for as long as he chooses.” The report goes on to say that Garfield is even being offered a box office profit-sharing deal to play Spidey for another six years. This news has certainly come to my surprise. I am excited for it, are you? Sound off below!
