New creationism museum says Noah brought baby dinosaurs aboard the ark

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There is now a pseudo-science creation museum in Boise, Idaho. The Northwest Science Museum opened its doors to the public on Saturday, reports the Idaho Statesman.

The museum’s goal: portray a biblical understanding of creation, and dispute the widely accepted theory of evolution.

According to the Idaho Statesman, it has exhibits “about life on Earth as created by ? in six days, about 6,000 years ago.”

“We want to show a lot of science that’s being censored and not presented to the public,” the museum’s executive director, Doug Bennett, told the Idaho Statesman.

“Show both a biblical perspective and a naturalistic perspective on items, on fossils, on ancient technology, on that sort of thing.”

Thus far it is just a “Vision Center,” located next to a local gaming shop. Eventually they hope to build a full-fledged museum.

According to Bennett the museum is not affiliated with a religious organization, and was founded by “just a group of us that have kind of the same idea of promoting true science.”

The below video, from the Idaho Statesman, is beyond frustrating. Not just because of the pseudo-science dribbling out, but the fact that young children are being fed nonsense under the guise of “true science.”

“Skeptics say, ‘well, how could Noah bring dinosaurs on the ark if they’re that big?’ And I agree,” a curator tells two kids.

“But yet they found a baby diploducus in Argentina — a complete skeleton, 27 inches long,” he continues. “Noah, being the smart man he was … he’s going to bring a baby or young one along that’s gonna live longer, reproduce a lot more.”

There is a good argument to be made not to debate creationists, who reject the fact that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. It can almost elevate the pseudo-science as something worth debating, and cheapen broadly accepted scientific theories.

There is so much to take issue with — right down to the organization’s misleading use of the terms “science” and “museum.”

In science, it is important to stay curious and ask questions — that’s part of the scientific method — and then to test those hypotheses and reject the ones that don’t work. It isn’t a debate, it’s an ongoing process of learning. Accepting the Bible as scientific fact just stifles scientific queries.
