Female Rapper WINS Rap Battle . .The Men She BEAT Get MAD . .So They ? , SHOOT AND BURN HER ALIVE

zerocool Members Posts: 3,973 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2014 in For The Grown & Sexy

http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2014/02/16/2956842/columbus-police-arrest-3-in-? .html
Full story in links.....damn....

Three Georgia men - Joey Betrail Garron, 28, Robert Carl Johnson, 23, and Ketorie Glover, 23 all of Columbus, Georgia are all under arrest. Police claim that they could not handle losing to a woman in a rap battle, so they allegedly ? , shot, then beat the woman. And if that wasn't enough, the ANIMALS then doused the woman with gasoline - and set her on fire!!

It all started when the three men decided to "battle rap" an upcoming female rapper. The FEMALE RAPPER WON - and the angry losers pulled a gun – and forced the 36 year-old victim into her car.

The women was taken to the vacant lot where she allegedly sexually assaulted by all three men, doused with gasoline, set on fire, shot several times and left for dead.

Fortunately, the woman survived her ordeal after being treated for injuries at a local hospital.

