Guy beats Dark Souls 1+2 using only a Guitar Hero controller

grumpy_new_yorker Members Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭✭✭
Do you remember bearzly, the fan who was able to finish the original Dark Souls using a guitar controller? Well, he did it again, and this time, he’s finished the game's sequel, Dark Souls 2.

The setup was similar to his last playthrough. He played it on PC, used a Rock Band 1 guitar peripheral, and remapped the controls to the guitar using x360ce. In plain English, x360ce allows any controller to work on games programmed for Xbox 360, by fooling the computer into thinking it is an XInput device.

bearzly claims the guitar controller is comfortable to use. He has also beat every boss in the game, including all DLCs. Overall, it took him nine and one quarter of an hour to beat all 41 bosses, and he died 92 times. In fact, the hazards he had to overcome using the controller were completely different from those using conventional controllers, including narrow platforms, gravity, and reindeer. He also notes that there were less narrow platforms in Dark Souls 2 than in Dark Souls, so it was overall easier this time around.
