Never forget this day

Bully_Pulpit Members Posts: 5,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
I'm tired of sitting on my hands, sitting here with boiling over with a rage, a disgust I don't think I've ever felt. I had enough, im tired of people, our people being killed with less compassion than a dog. IT HAS TO STOP and we have the power to stop it. Stop waiting for some hero, the next MLK. There are no heroes, the people that you look up to, support with your dollar, they wont do ? . Our president, that ? coward and his ? speech someone wrote for him, telling us to let the system handle it. We've been letting this system handle it for years!!! And what have they done but ? our leader and do everything they could to quell our uprising, steal our culture, pump ? ? in our neighborhoods, ETC ETC ETC ETC!!! They have done whatever the ? they wanted to us since we step foot in this country. Then they said even some of our own people, they had the nerve to say now that we have a "Black" president racism doesn't exist!!! ? !!!

I'm not waiting until someone I love has to die before I do anything. These are simple laws of life if you let someone walk all over you they will continue to do it and it will get worst. If you sitting here reading this and you aint ready to do something, anything your a ? COWARD!!! Go watch a NBA,NFL game with the paid slaves, that don't speak up cause they are modern day house ? . Lebron posts a pic on twitter and you see the ? backlash he is receiving because he exercised his free speech. This country is a ? farce, they are controlling us with pieces of paper that have no real value.

I'm tired of waiting for someone to lead us to the promised land. I'm actually glad I am unemployed at the moment because after watching what I saw last night going in to work would've demoralized my psyche. ? supporting a system that views me as a useless eater, a lowly ant. Stop fighting these fruitless wars and destroying the planet for them, how many times do you have to be told you're expendable before you show ? you not? I'm not trying to be the leader but if I can spark something up then this is all worth it. If we burn, you burn with us. I'm not looking for reactions, im looking for solidarity. It's time. We are more able, have the most privilege, technology at our disposal than we've ever had.
