Man Posts His ? Positive Results On Instagram, Says he Knew He Was Sick But Didn’t Care

MasterJayN100 Members Posts: 11,845 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2015 in For The Grown & Sexy

A man from New York by the name of @im_always_up456 on Instagram decided to let the world know that he was diagnosed with ? , but says he had a ? it attitude when it came to sleeping around with no condom.

Ladies…and men, be on the look-out!

Username @im_always_up456 posted the below photo along with a heartfelt message.

He posted a photo of him in the hospital along with his test results.

He admitted that he was careless after even drinking after other people.

[img] _Post2.jpg[/img]

I don’t know this dude but I am really going to pray long and hard for him tonight

did a little digging on the guy and turns out those posts went 0 to 100 real quick.

he was left with NO followers… poor guy.


Oh but wait….. I found out some deeper information

@im_always_up456 posted a video on Youtube and says it was all a lie and he was hacked by a woman that he used to talk to.

Whew! that was a close one.

He even went to the extremes to take a test and prove that he was NOT in fact ? positive….and yes, he showed us the actual results.

Watch What He Had To Say Below

He says the woman was hating on him and decided to try and make a fool of him on social media because he wouldn’t give him any play. -results-instagram-says-knew-sick-didnt-care-sleeping-multiple-people/4/
