Ben Carson Laments ‘Tendency to Inject Race’ Into All Police Cases...

stringer bell
stringer bell Members Posts: 26,212 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 2015 in For The Grown & Sexy
Ben Carson lamented how race gets brought into so many police cases these days on Face the Nation this morning, when he was asked about his reaction to Sandra Bland‘s arrest and death in prison.

Right before Carson came on, Bernie Sanders told John Dickerson none of that would have happened if Bland was white. When Dickerson asked Carson for his reaction, Carson outright dismissed it.

He said that while looking at policing issues is important, “we have a tendency to inject race into everything any time there are people of different races involved in a conflict.”

Carson noted how there are of course “rotten police officers” but “we don’t condemn the whole class for that.”

To him, the bigger issue isn’t racism, it’s classism
and how people suffering economically deal with things like moving violations that they can’t pay the fines for.

