The Reason as to Why Your Blunts, Dutches, Vegas, and White Owls are Dried Out

Maximus Rex
Maximus Rex Members Posts: 6,354 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 2015 in For The Grown & Sexy
Have you ever just copped a cheap cigar, (a Dutch Master, Phillie, etc.) or blunt wraps from the corner store, got home only to find the cigar wrapper was hella dried out or just simply cracked when you tried to roll it? Hell yeah Rex. That ? happens to me from time to time. Well the reason for is that cigars weren't properly stored before you bought them.

Whether it's a $350 pre-embargo Cuban Montecristo No. 2, a Funte, Funte, Opus X, a La Gloria Cubana Series 7, or a Dutch Master, all cigars have one thing in common and that is they're climate sensitive and unless they're stored in an environment that replicates the temperature and humidity in Central America and the Caribbean, the cigars are just going to simply dry out in about a week. A lot of y'all probably found this out in the hard way when you called yourself trying to save some money by buying a box of Dutch Masters or White Owls. To remedy this problem, Rex strongly suggest that you invest in a humidor.

Now you don't have to spend racks on an Elie Blue or a Daniel Marshall humidor, (unless of course you're trying to high side like that,) you can get a decent humidor from Craftsman's Bench from $35-$100.


Craftsman Bench Taj Majal


Craftsman Bench Cavalier


Craftsman Bench Key West.

An even cheaper, but yet effective solution is to store your cheap ass cigars in a Humidor Bag or just a regular zip lock bag.


If you this route, you'll also need to purchase some Boveda bags.


Get the 69% bags because you don't want to over humidity the cheap ass cigars either. Unlike the humidor were the only maintenance required is adding distilled water, the Boveda bags have to be replaced about twice a year because they'll eventually dry out.

An excellent video on seasoning your humidor. Go to 15:30. I've also gone on record as saying that a blunt can't be rolled from a premium hand rolled cigar because of the way the cigar is rolled. I was proven. In this video Dr. Joe perfectly unwraps a house blend Cuban from the spot he gets his Cubans from.

The key to rolling a blunt with a premium cigar is not to gut it as you normally would, but to find the end of the leaf and carefully unravel it. Go to 20:14. He unravels another cigar at 35:54
