Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical

1CK1S Members Posts: 27,471 ✭✭✭✭✭

Former Ku Klux ? Grand Wizard David Duke spoke candidly about Donald Trump recently, saying the Republican presidential candidate speaks “a lot more radically” than he does.

Duke, who is also a former member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, made the comments in an interview on December 17. As Buzzfeed reports, the interview is labeled “Fox Interview,” but it’s not clear by watching it who the interviewer is, or whether she works for Fox.

“As far as what I see, according to the candidates that are out there now, Republicans and Democrats, I think he’s head and shoulders right now above the rest,” Duke said of Trump in the interview. “I don’t agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk. And I think that’s a positive and negative.”

Trump has been criticized for his rhetoric on the campaign trail — especially for his comments regarding Islam. Trump has called for a complete ban on Muslims coming into the U.S., and has said the country should “absolutely” register all Muslims in a database.

Trump’s treatment of the issue of race has also raised eyebrows — after a Black Lives Matter protester was beaten by Trump supporters at a rally for the presidential candidate, Trump defended the actions of his fans.

“Maybe he should have been roughed up,” he said of the protester. “It was disgusting what he was doing.”

Still, this rhetoric may be helping him with supporters: a November poll by CBS News found that 40 percent of Trump supporters in Iowa say they like the candidate because he “says things others are afraid to say.”

Duke, who’s classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the “most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-? , longtime ? leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial,” has been supportive of Trump in the past, though he hasn’t officially endorsed the candidate. In August, Duke said that Trump “understands the real sentiment of America.”

“Trump, he’s really going all out. He’s saying what no other Republicans have said, few conservatives say,” Duke said at the time.

Duke is the founding head of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), a white nationalist group that fights for “white civil rights.”


  • 5onblackhandside
    5onblackhandside Members Posts: 2,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Ghostdenithegawd
    Ghostdenithegawd Members Posts: 16,231 ✭✭✭✭✭
    white civil rights lmfao
  • playmaker88
    playmaker88 Members Posts: 67,905 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2015
    and.. Presidential Candidate. I wanna say that it was 3rd grade..
  • ThaNubianGod
    ThaNubianGod Members Posts: 1,862 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There's nothing radical about Trump's rhetoric. Bernie Sanders on the otherhand is out of his mind. I co-sign deporting illegals(they take all the resources from our communties), not letting in thousands of muslim "refugees"(where was all this love for Haitians?), ending trade deals like NAFTA(killed Black middle-class).

    I'm really sick of liberals using race to push their agendas, and hardly ever touching on it where it matters(police abuse, mass incarcerations, drug war, education in poor communities). Trump and Hillary are of the same ilk.

  • A Talented One
    A Talented One Members Posts: 4,202 ✭✭✭
    You know you're saying some crazy ? when David Duke says, "Whoa my man, don't talk so radical."
  • texasdaking88
    texasdaking88 Members Posts: 6,139 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You know you're saying some crazy ? when David Duke says, "Whoa my man, don't talk so radical."

    Ironic Cuz its the same when u be like "damn, thats a lil too Coonish, even by my high standards"
  • leftcoastkev
    leftcoastkev Members Posts: 6,232 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The key phrase was "he speaks a little more radically than I talk. I think his viewpoint is as such because it's because it's in your face without trying to hide it. The goal is to cloak the racism in benign ways in order to beat a constant drum of plausible deniability.

    If you can make the racism benign, it can become systemic, and most people will think "it's not racist". It's like white supremacist going through the proper channels and education to become law enforcement vs. throwing on a white sheet and hood and going out to ? some "? ". The former is viewed is innocent until proven guilty by society at large while the latter is guilty until proven innocent. Trump is the guy dressed in a classy suit, but talking gutter ? to the point where it tarnishes the image of the suit.

    It's simple to confuse situations and offer counter viewpoints if there is wiggle room to do so but when you have a politician condoning outright mistreatment of others ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL it's a hard sell unless you're already invested in racist ideologies. In other words Trump isn't playing the game the way it's usually played (talk good diplomatic ? , but push policies in line with his true intentions).
  • A Talented One
    A Talented One Members Posts: 4,202 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2015
    You know you're saying some crazy ? when David Duke says, "Whoa my man, don't talk so radical."

    Ironic Cuz its the same when u be like "damn, thats a lil too Coonish, even by my high standards"

    Except people only think that I'm a ? because they are going on what others say, or are just ? , like you.