Man arrested for allegedly threatening to ? 2 Staten Island(Pig Land) cops in Eric Garner revenge

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Man, 31, arrested for allegedly threatening to ? two Staten Island cops in Eric Garner revenge

A 31-year-old man was arrested after allegedly threatening to ? two Staten Island police officers in retaliation for Eric Garner's death, the Daily News has learned.

“I'm gonna ? you for what you guys did to Eric Garner," Lamont Edmondson told two plain-clothes cops assigned to the Anti-Crime unit after aiming his fingers at them like a gun near Jersey St. and Richmond Terrace around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, according to police sources and court papers.

Edmondson, a career criminal with an extensive rap sheet, then raised his fists and said, “Let’s fight,” the cop sources said. The officers declined, instead ordering him to turn around before cuffing him, police said.

Edmondson was charged with making a terroristic threat, menacing and harassment.

But the arrest didn’t silence him.

“I’m gonna ? all of you,” he repeatedly shouted at cops while being held at the 120th Precinct, according to the criminal complaint.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m still gonna ? all you guys when I get out of here. You guys better bring an army for me,” he allegedly said.

The initial encounter occurred about a mile from 202 Bay St. in Tompkinsville where Officer Daniel Pantaleo choked Garner to death two years ago this month.
