THE NIGHT OF(H.B.O got another one, ? is G.O.A.T!!)

PILL_COSBY Members Posts: 6,374 ✭✭✭✭✭
This is a good ass show. Acting is great and it feels like "the wire" and "OZ" combined. This is a mini series so it's not gonna be hella long. It's about this Palestinian kid who met up with this girl, had a one night stand, when he woke up she was dead. There was hella things the went down before this that made him look super guilty. Hella witnesses etc etc. Then he gets caught trying to flee the scene.The way he gets caught is hella ? up and funny at the same time. Now he's in jail and they're trying to piece together what happened. They are showing the politics of the legal system. Kinda like the last season of the wire did with the police and papers. They like 4 episodes in now and it's getting better and better. The main detective/lawyer character in the show got this funny ass side story. It deals with an issue with his feet, ? is hilarious and nasty at the same damn time.

They got lots of guess stars just popping in like a lot of H.B.O series do. So far Michael K Williams(he's a permanent character), Trech, damien lemon(had a hilarious cameo) and sticky fingaz have made an appearance. Anyway, y'all should really check this out.


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