Please Explain to Dear Ole Rex Why 4-5 Shouldn't Enforce Immigration Law

Maximus Rex
Maximus Rex Members Posts: 6,354 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2017 in For The Grown & Sexy
4-5 been doin' the fool with deportation ? . Snatchin' muthafuckas at the ICE office, at the Costco parking lot, and out of their hospital beds. Mutafuckas are hella salty about it and protesting, but I'm like Dr. Boyce when he said on one of his podcasts, "Hey that looks interesting. Let me eat some popcorn and see what's going on."

Don't get me wrong, despite having a lack of empathy and compassion in most instances, I don't understand why Juan, Pablo, José came up here. If I was po', broke, and strugglin' in some corrupt 3rd World Latin America ? hole, I'd be tryin' to get my ass up here too, especially sense it's common knowledge that the government would let me be once I got here.

However, what I don't understand is why muthafuckas want these people to be up here so bad. They took the easy way out and aren't willing to make the sacrifices necessary to make their countries better places to live and hold their governments accountable.

Take black people for example, the easiest thing for us to do would have been to say, "? it. These racist white supremacist cracka ass cracka muthafuckas aren't going to ever let us have ? . We might as well go to cold ass Canada." But no, we got in the streets and fought for civil, Constitutional and human rights. Thurgood Marshall had to ride in the trunk of cars while in the South setting up a legal strategy to dismantle segregation. Dr. King got his firebombed, was stabbed, and had Hoover's ? ass playing tapes to Mrs. King of Dr. King trickin' off with hoes. Congressman John Lewis got his ass whooped and was trampled. Huey'em was having shootouts with OPD. Those Civil Rights subjected themselves to verbal, physical, mental, (and in the case of Medgar Evers, Brother Malcolm, and Dr. King,) gave up there lives so future generations of African Americans could have something? Why can't the Latinos do the same ? thing?

Will "El Chapo'em," intimidate, terrorize, ? , and hang muthafuckas bodies over an freeway overpass? Yes? Will the fight be not only a struggle, but seemingly hopeless at times? Yes? Will muthafuckas sellout their movement to eliminate corruption and improvement the standard of living in Latin America? Yes, but like the old addage says, "Freedom ain't free." It isn't the responsibility of the federal government of the United States of America, (nor of it's citizens,) to provide these people with a better quality of life. If they want to come up here, go through the process and come up here right.

I'm the first to admit that motivation behind 4-5's deportation policy is racial in nature, especially since it seems to be only Latinos being deported, or that's who's the media coverage is on. With that being said, I have absolutely no problem with rounding up these muthafuckas and sending them home. If families are "broken up," or muthafuckas in the hospital die, ? it. There needs to be pain and fear implemented in deterring people from coming and wanting to stay here illegally.

As I've said in these racist white Latinos want to not only rid their respective countries of their poor, but also whitewash them. Knowing that racism and white supremacy is practiced with impunity in Latin America and purely from a selfish and self-serving point of view, why would African Americans want to import more people into this country with a racist mindset, considering the fact that we have own homegrown racist white supremacist ? ass cracks to deal with?
