Black Friday...(The Last Friday movie)

kingofdetroit Members Posts: 519 ✭✭
edited August 2010 in Lights, Camera, Action!
Ok, so we know the situation with the next Friday film Cube wants to make and we know how Chris Tucker feels about the Smokey role now-a-days. So I've come up with a synopsis, if you will, of how a good final installment of Friday could work out.

1) Craig is finally getting married (to Nia Long) and sending invites out. Sends one to Smokey's mom even tho Craig is sure Smokey is nowhere to be found after leaving rehab. Believes he's probably on the streets cracked out or worse.

2) Deebo is now cool with Craig and is the bouncer at a club that Craig owns with Dayday but Deebo has a beef with Big Worm over some weed transactions.

3) Big Worm thinks Smokey skipped town to escape his old debts. Worm is also pastor of a hood ass church on the side and they don't know about his weed hustle, lol.

4) Smokey comes to town after his mom showed him the invite and everyone is shocked at how much he's cleaned up his life and he now manages a UPS store (Play on him getting fired for stealing boxes, lol) He also works part time for the department of health. Dayday and Smokey don't get along because Craig is putting all of his attention on Smokey and the wedding. Smokey has a few run ins with Big Worm still wanting his money and Deebo is chasing Worm.

5) Katt Williams character and Dayday become weed buddies and end up opening their own club to compete against Craig and now Craig has no business partner until Smokey is sent to detail their club and has to shut it down for a bunch of health code violations. Then Craig hires Smokey as his new business partner, leaving DayDay and Katt Williams to have to move in together and start a spinoff movie franchise called "It's Saturday" (Ludacris song)

Now we end Friday and start a whole new franchise starring Katt Williams & Mike Epps..."It's Saturday!!!" Oooh oohhh!

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