Is Black nationalism a conservative world view?

The_African Members Posts: 174
edited August 2010 in R & R (Religion and Race)
I know most Black people traditionally do not divide themselves into the liberal vs. conservative categories because Black liberals and Black conservatives still have more in common with each other than they do with Whites of similar political leanings but there's some research to suggest that conservatism and liberalism are styles of thinking rather than organized belief systems about modern politics. Many researchers believe that conservatives tend to be left-brain dominant and liberals tend to be right brain dominant. Liberals have individualistic views on social issues and horizontal collectivist views on the economy (they favor equality and sharing), conservatives have individualistic views on the economy and vertical collectivist views on social issues (they favor hierarchy, authority and in-group loyalty). Libertarians are considered socially liberal and fiscally conservative and have individualistic views on both the economy and social issues.

According to Jonathon Haidt, the two basic foundations of the liberal view of morality are empathy/care and fairness/reciprocation. Conservatives place some value on empathy/care and fairness/reciprocation (personally, I think fairness/reciprocation is more important to conservatives than it is to liberals, especially if it includes punishment and reward) but more value on respect for tradition/authority, in-group loyalty and sanctity/purity. (Fiscally conservative) libertarians (or 'liberals without bleeding hearts') tend to place little value on any of these foundations, according to Jonathon Haidt.

Black nationalism stresses in-group loyalty. BN is critical of interracial dating and Blacks who identify with Whites/White culture or don't express group loyality/conform to group expectations. The left brain has a need for structure and order, the right brain is more tolerant of ambiguity, variance, and 'chaos'. Black nationalists would prefer to see Black couples in Black neighborhoods with Black children etc., because they would like to see the world in neat and tidy, racial categories, could this be a left brain expression of conservatism? The left brain gravitates towards the familiar, the right brain is excited by novelty and variety, maybe this is why Black nationalists prefer the company of their own people and 'multi-culturalists' find different people appealing. I think Pan-Africanism, unlike BN, is based on empathy for other African-descended people without necessarily advocating independence or separation from other groups. Pan-Africanism only advocates unity.

I'm not criticizing Black nationalism, I'm just wondering if there's a connection. I know I have both conservative and liberal personality traits, even though most of my political views are liberal. I feel culture shock among Whites and I know I'm more judgemental of them, even though I try not to be. I'd prefer to be around people who are like me.


  • anthony7q
    anthony7q Members Posts: 782
    edited August 2010
    Is Black Nationalism a conservative view? I think Black Nationalism is a reaction rather than an action. Black nationalism is a reaction to slavery, colonization, and white supremacy through segregation ( poor blacks in Ghettos, whites in Suburbs, the EU) genocide ( slavery, abortion, ? , AIDS ) and oppression ( Prison, Jobs, pitting blacks against each other and other races).

    Whites have worked together to achieve and hold onto world ? since the fall of the Egyptian empire. Maybe your unconscious mind feels threaten by being around Whites. Can't say i blame it.
    KTULU IS BACK Banned Users Posts: 6,617 ✭✭
    edited August 2010
    anthony7q wrote: »
    Is Black Nationalism a conservative view? I think Black Nationalism is a reaction rather than an action.

    conservatives are reactionaries

    black nationalism is a right wing semi-Fascist approach