Classic games that need to be resurrected

JazznJazz Members Posts: 152
edited August 2010 in IllGaming
I love seeing old favorites get remade with care and passion for the original game and it's fans. We're getting a few recently, like Street Fight, Punch Out, Mario Bros and Castlevania, but what other franchises need to be brought back to life, preferably ones that have been absent for at least a decade?

Here's my wish list:

1.) Battletoads
There's a lot of nostalgia for this franchise and I think it would do well with a next-gen makeover. Possibly a perfect XBLA/PSN title.

2.) Double Dragon
It's been missing in any real form for a long time. I think a solid sandbox game could emerge using these characters and the world from Double Dragon. And in a sandbox game you could finally drive that car in their garage!

3.) Altered Beast
It's remembered really poorly, but it's a title most gamers recognize. It could be amazing as a DMC/Ninja Gaiden-style action game, where you switch beast forms like you switch weapons in modern action games.

4.) Earthbound
I've never even had a chance to play the original, but I know I'd want to play a modern version of this cult classic.

5.) Bonk's Adventure
He was never huge, but his games were fun, colorful and original. I think a great 3D Mario-style platformer could do the original series justice.

What else would you like to see reborn?
