Useful Forum Tips

Blunt1 Members Posts: 11
edited January 2010 in The Social Lounge
This is just for y'all that's new to vB. I've used the software for awhile, so here's some tips for a better forum experience.

New Posts - If you click the New Posts link at the top left of your screen, it will show all the threads that have been bumped since your last visit.

Settings - When you click Settings at the top right of your screen, it will bring you a page that shows pretty much all your options. There, you can choose how many posts/page you wish to see, what time zone you're in, whether or not you want to receive e-mail notifications of new posts from threads you've posted in, etc.

Who's Online - When you click 'Quick Links' at the top center of your screen, then click Who's Online, it will show you all the members current on the IC and what threads they're viewing.

Banner - When you click the banner at the very top left of your screen that says 'Ill Community.' it'll take you right back to the forum index.

Those are just some of the basic tools. The rest comes with just playing around with ? .
