Ne-Yo speaks out on Eddie Long scandal

shadb33 Members Posts: 3,810 ✭✭✭
edited September 2010 in For The Grown & Sexy

Bishop Eddie Long Accuser Talks to FOX 5

Ne-Yo didn't want to talk at first, but before he left us, he had plenty to say about Bishop Eddie Long.

"You look at our eyes," Ne-Yo said. "You hear the pain in our voice. We have no reason to lie to this man.

He says he loved Bishop Long, but he can't escape the nightmare of what he says Long did to him as a young man.

"I cannot get the sound of his voice out of my head," said Ne-Yo. "I cannot forget the smell of his cologne. And I cannot forget the way that he made me cry many nights when I drove in his car on the way home, not able to take enough showers to wipe the smell of him off of my body."

Ne-Yo, near the end of our interview, said he wanted to speak directly to Bishop Eddie Long, and he turned to our camera to do so.

"But that man can not look me in my eye and tell me we did not live this pain," Ne-Yo said. "Why you can sit in front of the church and tell them that you categorically deny it. You can't say that to our face. And you know this. You are not a man, you are a monster."

And with that, Ne-Yo got in his car and drove off into the night.
