Chris Brown v. Drake Boxing Match Officially Cancelled (Drake pulled out)

MrCrookedLetter Members Posts: 22,376 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 2012 in The Reason
The promoter behind the rumored Chris Brown and Drake boxing match says "there will be no fight now".

After their dust-up in the club, rumors have been floating around about a potential charity boxing match between Chris Brown and Drake. The promoter of the event was going to put up $10 million, but now the speculation can stop as the would-be fight is officially dead.

The promoter of the event, Damon Feldman told that Chris Brown was ready for the fight, but it was Drake who ultimately pulled out, “Drake won’t box. He said he doesn’t want to go that rout. So he basically punked out.”

Not showing much class, Feldman throws a last jab at Drake “there will be no fight now. I’m ? now. It would have settled their grudge and helped charities. I’m real ? that Chris Brown wanted this and everything was set.”

Even if Chris Brown had agreed to the boxing match, it was quite clear from the beginning that this was never going to happen. Now let more wild speculation begin, as the promoter is trying to get Game and 40 Glocc in the ring after their recorded altercation went viral.

