I think I have insomnia.

Will Munny
Will Munny Members Posts: 30,199 ✭✭✭✭✭
I can't really maintain any kind of normal sleep schedule. Like even when I'm ready for 8 hours of sleep at a normal hour, I don't sleep 8 hours because its like my body thinks its a nap or some ? . Like I went to bed at 12:30 a.m. today, and woke up a 3 a.m. totally unable to fall back asleep.

I'll probably fall asleep again in the next 40 minutes or so, and sleep until 3 in the afternoon, and be up all night.

I have no way to break the cycle cause even if I stay up and suffer through a day without a nap, it doesn't matter because I'll only sleep for a few hours and be tired the whole next day anyways.
