So Michelle's Obama's Speech single-handedly Re-elected her Husband???



  • kingblaze84
    kingblaze84 Members Posts: 14,288 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2012
    Did you like Obama's speech tonight Rapmastermind?

    I personally was very disappointed by it, he mentioned Bush's tax cuts over and over again and how bad it was/is for the nation but he extended them lol. I could be just being too harsh but I didn't hear much specifics on how he would cut the deficit and create new jobs without more deficit spending. Very disappointed.....I know for a fact I won't vote for Obama in November but I'm sure you Obama fans liked the speech.

    With that being said, I don't think Obama gained much fans tonight, whoever disliked Obama before the speech will continue doing so.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    this speech wasn't for those who don't like the Prez, if you hate him you aint going to vote for him.....This Speech was for his base and those who voted for him 4 years. Michelle pitch to the indy's and Bill pitched to the moderates and blue dog whites.

    This was for the Base and to fire them up
  • janklow
    janklow Members, Moderators Posts: 8,613 Regulator
    edited September 2012
    Yeah this seems to be true from people I know. But who knows, maybe Obama will make a speech that will convince me and other independents into voting for him. I doubt it, but if there's nothing else on TV, I'll listen to the speech.
    seriously, it will not happen. not saying don't watch it: it might be awesome and it's always good to, you know, listen to these politicians.
    The Biggest Ether was when Clinton said Democratic Presidents created more Jobs than Republican Presidents and he was 100% right, they just dropped the numbers:
    but why are we talking about it like these presidents went out there and created the jobs? also, the sad part: looking at GWB and Obama being the two worst dudes on that list
  • kingblaze84
    kingblaze84 Members Posts: 14,288 ✭✭✭✭✭
    waterproof wrote: »
    this speech wasn't for those who don't like the Prez, if you hate him you aint going to vote for him.....This Speech was for his base and those who voted for him 4 years. Michelle pitch to the indy's and Bill pitched to the moderates and blue dog whites.

    This was for the Base and to fire them up

    Yeah that's true, it is what it is.
  • kingblaze84
    kingblaze84 Members Posts: 14,288 ✭✭✭✭✭
    True Janklow, I watched just so I could say I was open minded.....
  • Swiffness!
    Swiffness! Members Posts: 10,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    man hell no, Clinton speech is what did it. That ? was some Kobe droppin 81 in terms of political speech skill.

    and Kal Penn might ? around get elected someday lol he was impressive for real.
  • rapmastermind
    rapmastermind Members Posts: 5,574 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Speech was good, he said what needed to be said. He basically said he needed more time and the other guys don't even know what they want to do. The thing is Bill Speech did all the ? work for him, this speech was more to talk about the future. I think the DNC did a better job at representing what America is. They had a multi-cultural audience of delegates. They had a wide range of speakers in the military, women, blacks, latinos, disabled, students, teachers, immigrants the whole 9. The DNC Looked like America. The RNC sadly looked like the 1950's south, All White, All Night.

    Obama going to win cause Romney to much of the flip flopper. He changes his positions every other day. Kerry ethered his ***. The only weak speech was Biden, he was rambling to much and needed to get off stage, lol. But even Biden speech was still better than most of the RNC. Overall good convention. Wish they would of gotten the stadium but Michelle, Castro, Big Willie, Kerry and Obama made the case. Everyone needs to get registered, and make sure they have ID cause now some states require it thanks to the Republicans. Turnout is going to be crucial. But I was proud of Obama tonight. He's come a long way since that 2004 DNC Speech.
  • rapmastermind
    rapmastermind Members Posts: 5,574 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2012
    Did you like Obama's speech tonight Rapmastermind?

    I personally was very disappointed by it, he mentioned Bush's tax cuts over and over again and how bad it was/is for the nation but he extended them lol. I could be just being too harsh but I didn't hear much specifics on how he would cut the deficit and create new jobs without more deficit spending. Very disappointed.....I know for a fact I won't vote for Obama in November but I'm sure you Obama fans liked the speech.

    With that being said, I don't think Obama gained much fans tonight, whoever disliked Obama before the speech will continue doing so.

    Honestly it wasn't one of his best speeches but it was still better than Romney's and the rest of the RNC. You have to look at how far he came since 2004. He's in a different space now. The election in my view has never been about Romney. It's always been about Obama. Their job this week was to make a case for 4 more years and I think they did that. Romney is not a Leader and even if the American people are upset with Obama they know Romney ain't the one.
  • Swiffness!
    Swiffness! Members Posts: 10,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    CHARLOTTE, NC—With the savage roar of the heathen Democratic horde rising all around him, President Barack Obama delivered an incendiary speech to close his party’s national convention Thursday night, commanding the ultraprogressive minions in attendance to help him “destroy Jesus and usher in a new age of liberal darkness that shall reign o’er the earth for a thousand years.”

    The thunderous 45-minute address—during which the president argued for a second term so that he could “finally ? Jesus once and for all, as well as all those who worship him”—was well received by the frenzied, wild-eyed audience, whose piercing chants of “Four more years!” and “Slaughter the believers!” echoed throughout the Time Warner Cable Arena.

    “My fellow Americans and godless infidels, I command you to join me as we cast an endless pall of far-left evil across the hills and valleys of our nation!” Obama bellowed from the stage, as thousands in attendance moaned in compliance and gyrated their hips and groins in a lascivious dance. “Together, as a barbarian people forged by the wicked flames of irreligiosity and united by visions of a liberal dystopia, we will rise up as one to scorch the earth with boundless amorality.”

    “The streets shall run red with the blood of forced ? , performed daily upon every American man, woman, and child!” the commander-in-chief shouted, froth forming around his mouth as the crowd threw hundreds of aborted fetuses onto the stage. “Die, Christians, die!”

    Slamming his fists on the lectern until his hands began to bleed, Obama proceeded to lay out a “three-point plan of sin and lechery” for his second term. If reelected, the president said, he would begin by banning organized religion entirely—starting with Christianity—and burning all churches to the ground, preferably “with their wretched, Jesus-loving congregants still huddled inside like rats.”

    As members of the audience violently tugged at their ? and howled like sex-starved, atheist wolves, Obama stated that his administration would then seek to make free, taxpayer-funded abortions legal at any stage of pregnancy, even up to one full year after birth, in order to supply his newly created “federal stem-cell harvesting plants” with raw materials.

    In addition, the cackling president vowed to “end traditional marriage as we know it” by passing legislation that would allow only homosexuals to raise children, a longtime Democratic policy goal.

    “A glorious new age of sinister, unconstrained liberalism is dawning! Oh, dear Satan, I can feel it coursing through my veins at this very moment!” shrieked Obama, ripping off his shirt to reveal an ornate tattoo of a pentagram, with a different homosexual act positioned at each of the star’s five points. “Agnosticism, contempt for human life, and radical sexual experimentation shall rule the day! Any good, virtuous, family-values-oriented Christian Americans who seek to topple our magnificent liberal kingdom of eternal darkness will be powerless to stop us! We will crush them!”

    Added Obama, “Thank you, may Satan reward you all, and may ? tremble in fear at the United States of America!”

    The president was then handed an unbaptized, orphaned newborn baby drenched in the blood of 666 slaughtered Christians, which he handed over to its new, gleefully squealing homosexual parents.,29478/

    oh ? my sides
  • Swiffness!
    Swiffness! Members Posts: 10,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    lol just saw this on dailykos


    DADT is dead, OBAMA ? YEAH W00T LOL
  • kingblaze84
    kingblaze84 Members Posts: 14,288 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Swiffness! wrote: »
    CHARLOTTE, NC—With the savage roar of the heathen Democratic horde rising all around him, President Barack Obama delivered an incendiary speech to close his party’s national convention Thursday night, commanding the ultraprogressive minions in attendance to help him “destroy Jesus and usher in a new age of liberal darkness that shall reign o’er the earth for a thousand years.”

    The thunderous 45-minute address—during which the president argued for a second term so that he could “finally ? Jesus once and for all, as well as all those who worship him”—was well received by the frenzied, wild-eyed audience, whose piercing chants of “Four more years!” and “Slaughter the believers!” echoed throughout the Time Warner Cable Arena.

    “My fellow Americans and godless infidels, I command you to join me as we cast an endless pall of far-left evil across the hills and valleys of our nation!” Obama bellowed from the stage, as thousands in attendance moaned in compliance and gyrated their hips and groins in a lascivious dance. “Together, as a barbarian people forged by the wicked flames of irreligiosity and united by visions of a liberal dystopia, we will rise up as one to scorch the earth with boundless amorality.”

    “The streets shall run red with the blood of forced ? , performed daily upon every American man, woman, and child!” the commander-in-chief shouted, froth forming around his mouth as the crowd threw hundreds of aborted fetuses onto the stage. “Die, Christians, die!”

    Slamming his fists on the lectern until his hands began to bleed, Obama proceeded to lay out a “three-point plan of sin and lechery” for his second term. If reelected, the president said, he would begin by banning organized religion entirely—starting with Christianity—and burning all churches to the ground, preferably “with their wretched, Jesus-loving congregants still huddled inside like rats.”

    As members of the audience violently tugged at their ? and howled like sex-starved, atheist wolves, Obama stated that his administration would then seek to make free, taxpayer-funded abortions legal at any stage of pregnancy, even up to one full year after birth, in order to supply his newly created “federal stem-cell harvesting plants” with raw materials.

    In addition, the cackling president vowed to “end traditional marriage as we know it” by passing legislation that would allow only homosexuals to raise children, a longtime Democratic policy goal.

    “A glorious new age of sinister, unconstrained liberalism is dawning! Oh, dear Satan, I can feel it coursing through my veins at this very moment!” shrieked Obama, ripping off his shirt to reveal an ornate tattoo of a pentagram, with a different homosexual act positioned at each of the star’s five points. “Agnosticism, contempt for human life, and radical sexual experimentation shall rule the day! Any good, virtuous, family-values-oriented Christian Americans who seek to topple our magnificent liberal kingdom of eternal darkness will be powerless to stop us! We will crush them!”

    Added Obama, “Thank you, may Satan reward you all, and may ? tremble in fear at the United States of America!”

    The president was then handed an unbaptized, orphaned newborn baby drenched in the blood of 666 slaughtered Christians, which he handed over to its new, gleefully squealing homosexual parents.,29478/

    oh ? my sides

    Oh no lol that was ridiculous. The Onion has the best satire in politics
  • Recaptimus_Prime360
    Recaptimus_Prime360 Members Posts: 64,801 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What's crazy is if Obama wins and turns the ecomony around then it sets it up perfectly for Hillary to run in 2016. Bush couldn't even show his damn face at the RNC but Clinton rode hard for Obama. Remember, Obama and Bill had beef cause Bill didn't like what went down with Hillary winning the popular vote but losing the Democratic Nomination. But it seems Bill has finally soften on Obama and last night he offically passed the touch to Obama. It was an Epic moment in American History. It was like Bill said, "OK He's the one, we must support him". It's crazy that Bill made the case FOR Obama more than Obama has made for himself. I think between Michelle and Castro's speech and now Bill. Obama going to win but tonight he has to show the American People he's sorry that things haven't improved but he needs more time. This was some crazy Ether Bill said last night:

    "Republicans want you to fire Obama cause he didn't fix the mess then made quick enough".

    Again Obama only gets 4 years to fix 8 years of Republicans disaster? SMDH If the American people vote that Robot Romney in:



    "Obama is the heir to the Democratic Legacy" - Bill Clinton (He really passed the torch)

    THANK YOU!! this is what i've been sayin for the longest! clinton single handily ether the GOP in one speech.
  • Recaptimus_Prime360
    Recaptimus_Prime360 Members Posts: 64,801 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Did you like Obama's speech tonight Rapmastermind?

    I personally was very disappointed by it, he mentioned Bush's tax cuts over and over again and how bad it was/is for the nation but he extended them lol. I could be just being too harsh but I didn't hear much specifics on how he would cut the deficit and create new jobs without more deficit spending. Very disappointed.....I know for a fact I won't vote for Obama in November but I'm sure you Obama fans liked the speech.

    With that being said, I don't think Obama gained much fans tonight, whoever disliked Obama before the speech will continue doing so.

    i gotta disagree. folks talk about he should've been "specific". they're only give a certain amount of time. what he did tonight was hit ALL points to his critism. all the social issues. what spefically has romney or the gop offered? can anybody really answered that? other than "pick me b/c i'm better than obama"...right
  • Recaptimus_Prime360
    Recaptimus_Prime360 Members Posts: 64,801 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Swiffness! wrote: »
    lol just saw this on dailykos


    DADT is dead, OBAMA ? YEAH W00T LOL

    why am i turned on and wishin i was in a 3sum wit these 2 hefas?
  • ImTheKangRoundHere
    ImTheKangRoundHere Members Posts: 4,649 ✭✭✭✭✭
    she inspired me
  • Lou Cypher
    Lou Cypher Members Posts: 52,521 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The speech Michelle gave is GOAT. thanks i didnt get to catch that on tv.
  • janklow
    janklow Members, Moderators Posts: 8,613 Regulator
    True Janklow, I watched just so I could say I was open minded.....
    hey, you know, you've got to hear the dudes out
    darkone360 wrote: »
    i gotta disagree. folks talk about he should've been "specific". they're only give a certain amount of time. what he did tonight was hit ALL points to his critism. all the social issues. what spefically has romney or the gop offered? can anybody really answered that?
    on closer examination, you may find that neither Obama or Romney is actually specific about anything they can avoid specifics on
  • Swiffness!
    Swiffness! Members Posts: 10,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • DR. JEK
    DR. JEK Members Posts: 5,331 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Swiftness you're very dusturbed for that one bro