...Why Are Black Girls So Damn Difficult?



  • brown321
    brown321 Members Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As long as black women men are producing and taking part in ? like Basketball Wives and Tyler Perry's stereotypical ? rap & prison, I refuse to give a ? about how they are portrayed. You can't have it both ways. You can't represent yourself a certain way in every avenue available to you and then complain when people actually believe you are that way.

    And blaming the media is ? because there are more than enough black women men reinforcing those stereotypes in every day life.

    see how easy that can be flipped?

    I don't recall ever saying that it wasn't true for men too. The difference is black men aren't out there protesting and throwing hissy fits at every commercial that portrays us in a stereotypical light for giggles. And comparing black men in prison to black women that choose to be in tv shows that negatively portray them is a bit of an odd thing for you to do.

    ? DO choose to be in prison, they just dont choose to be caught.

    i wasnt making a ? -for-tat comparison, btw.

    black women arent exactly out there protesting and throwing hissy fits at every commercial that portrays them in a stereotypical light for giggles either.

    That sounds like something a white person would say. People don't choose the environment they are born into, and statistically some environments, put you in a more likely position to wind up in jail. Everyone has choice to some degree, but let's not act like every choice is the same.

    And yes, black women do frequently complain every time they are negatively portrayed in tv shows, commercials, etc... unless those things are created by black women (or Tyler Perry) and then somehow it's ok.

    ? choose JAIL, sir.

    i got homies right now who would love to do nothing better than to cop an ounce of powder and flip it.

    not because their environments dictate it, but because they enjoy the thrill & perks that come with dealin.

    ? choose JAIL, sir.

    i know homies right now who would love to do nothing better than come up offa a credit card scheme.

    not because their environments dictate it, but because they enjoy the thrill & perks that come with FAST money.

    ? CHOOSE jail, sir.

    maybe black women do complain about being unfairly represented but give them that. they have a VOICE. unfortunately its one of the least heard voices in america.

    And your homies represent every black male out there? There are criminals of every age, race, and economic background. No one is arguing that. But you have a very limited understanding of what goes on in poor neighborhoods if you don't think there are a lot of young black males that do things like join gangs and sell drugs because they feel like those are the best, or in some cases, only options available to them.

    I used to tutor kids from the projects, and most of them were ingrained with the idea that the only options they had in life were athletics, rap, or drugs. That's not a choice. That's indoctrination.

    indoctrination from who/what?

    lets get down to the nitty gritty.

    and i do not have a limited understanding of what goes on in poor neighborhoods. i get it.

    but just like in the Matrix, the CHOICE is there. there are options regardless of the circumstances.

    They are indoctrinated by society and the people around them. If your family and the people you grow up believing know best are constantly telling you, you have no chance, then you're going to believe that. And that's what happens when you have people that have been impoverished for generations.

    Your Matrix analogy proves my point. The only people in the Matrix that could make that choice were the ones who had their eyes opened to the truth. Everyone else went on thinking the Matrix was reality. It's the same thing in the hood. Most of those kids don't even believe some things are possible until someone comes along and shows them they are. I'm not trying to take personal responsibility away. You're right, at some point a choice is made, but there are reasons behind every choice and it's unfair for you to minimize everything that leads up to some of the bad choices these kids make.

    You flipped that ? like you work at IHOP on a sunday morning. Good post.
  • King Ghidorah
    King Ghidorah Members Posts: 917 ✭✭✭✭✭
    its not about your weight the technique you cant be afraid to take a punch. cave in on the ? until you get the ? in a position she can't get out of. I lost a couple fights, (but not detrimental loss ) but I don't start ? , so I manage to win most. Especially fat girls who think they can beat my ass because I'm slender.. The technique is to push them ? back cave in, knock em off balance.. you fall get up fast, trip em re-earrange the position. ? on top of you, keep hitting her in her eyes. choke her block her wind. roll over like it's a fire drill to you get her up off, jump up fast and start kicking the ? .... you loose come back and beat the ? with 4 by 4 or pipe. ? keep beef going, SHOOT HER! ? GOTTA LEARN YOU CANT GO AROUND STARTING ? WITH OTHER WOMEN WHO ARE NOT ? WITH YOU, JUST BECAUSE YOU JEALOUS...


    Damn, big ? running, come on son.